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LinkedIn is Her Superpower: The Power of Networking

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Nowadays, if you don’t have Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter, what are you really doing? As college students, we are quick to learn the latest updates and features of our social media, but how many of us really put the same amount of energy and time into networking? Not social media networking but professional networking; linking to other professionals that may be able to help you build your career or even offer you a job someday. We, myself included, don’t take the time to know the in’s and out’s of websites like Opportunity, Meetup, or most commonly LinkedIn. According to Demishia Samuels, a LinkedIn professional, corporate entrepreneur, and the founder of Corporate Hustle University, “Of course, LinkedIn is the largest professional social media platform in the world! But more than that LinkedIn is an opportunity for college students to create their professional presence online. They can build their professional network, showcase their skills and talents, and begin to explore careers and industries they never thought about.”

Though it’s not just about having a professional platform to broadcast your skills, it’s also about truly networking and building relationships that count. The “power of a network” is unmatched when you utilize and make the most of it. “Basically, people are your biggest resource in life. The more people that like, know, and trust you, the more power you have in life to get your goals done. [Students can utilize the power of a network] by listening to what their network needs and being the solution. Follow-up with your network before you need them. People don’t just want to hear from you when you need something. Give – even if you don’t get something back immediately. Create win-win situations and opportunities.”

Ladies, securing your network is a pivotal step to securing your bag! Your network is directly connected to your bag. Networking can open up so many doors for your career. There are going to be some instances in which its not about what you know, but rather who you know. “LinkedIn can help college students leverage expertise of industry leaders that are in their career paths.You can tap into generations of knowledge to help you along your professional path. You can tap into alumni for class/teacher/career advice or begin conversations with recruiters to get internships and learn about opportunities to enhance or even improve your college experience. What you put into your network is what you will get out of it.”

At the end of the day, be all about your money. If you haven’t started working on your LinkedIn profile yet, stop and open a new tab right now! If you’re still reading this, it is never too late or too soon to start rubbing elbows with some of your industry’s best. Take advantage of the resources available to you and start making those relationships that count. Get that shmoney honey!


Mikayla Roberts is a junior journalism major, sociology minor from Marietta, GA. She is a writer for the Hampton University chapter of Her Campus and enjoys connecting with others!
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