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How To Successfully Set Goals For The Upcoming School Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

With the new school year upon us, it is right we go into it with a new mind and vision. Setting goals you wish to achieve during the current school year will help you to stay focused and remind you what you need to do to go further in life. However, when it comes to making goals, a lot of people just write down the things that initially comes to mind. When making goals, you should make sure you have covered everything you wish to achieve. I’m going to share how I make my goals for the school year that covers almost every aspect and hopefully it will help you this semester! 

The six categories you should break your goals into are; Spiritual, emotional, physical, academic, business/financial, and social.

Spiritual: This category will apply more to those who are religious or wish to be. If you wish to get closer with God, attend service somewhere more, pray more, or even listen to gospel music in the morning, write them down under spiritual.

Ex: find a church home near campus


Emotional/Mental: Under emotional and mental goals, this is where you list any goals or plans you wish to do whether that is deciding to go to therapy, take a mental detox at least once every two weeks, be more positive and optimistic, setting time to think by yourself at least once a day, a social media cleanse, etc.

Ex: Make manifestations to recite every morning to boost confidence


Physical: Physical goals are goals mostly concerning your body and how you look or perceive yourself. If you have aspirations to workout, eat better, put more effort into how you look, etc. that is where those goals will go. 

Ex: Drink more water!


Academic: This category is important going into a new semester because obviously you want to do well. Joining more organizations, studying more, finding internships, etc. might be something you’ve been wishing to do for the upcoming school year. Write it all down!

Ex: Start assignments when you first get them.


Business/Finance: Now when it comes to business and finance, this consists of ways you’re making money, your career, saving money, etc. If you’ve been wanting to start a company or business, now is the time to do it! If you need to start saving money up for something in the near future, this is where that goal will go. Any career aspirations you’re wishing to have, write it down!

Ex: Start clothing business.


Social: If you have any goals regarding wanting to meet more people, build stronger bonds with friends and family, join organizations, or even just being more friendly or talkative, this is where those goals will go.

Ex: Call grandma every week.


After writing out all your goals, make sure to go back and explain in detail how you plan to achieve them. If there is a certain date or time you wish to have accomplished that goal, write it down!  

(Ex: Spiritual goal- find a church home near campus by October. Research churches near you or ask around for recommendations and plan to attend them every Sunday. )

It would also be helpful to write why you want to achieve that goal so when you look back at them and forget the motivation behind that goal, you can see it.

(Ex: Emotional/Mental goal- make manifestations to recite every morning to boost confidence so I can feel more confident about myself because I’ve been feeling insecure lately.)

Also, share your goals with someone so they could possibly keep you accountable or remind you about them. If you’re not comfortable sharing your goals, make sure you check them at least once a month or once every two months to remember them. This will help you stay on track with them until you complete them!

Hopefully, in a couple of months or by the end of the school year, you can look back on these goals and see so much progress and change from where you are now.


Raven Harper

Hampton U '22

Raven Harper @raejhene is a Graduating Senior at Hampton University studying Journalism and Marketing. She serves as the campus correspondent over Hampton's chapter. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking new things, iced coffee and endless scrolling on pinterest.
Jordyn Edwards is a graduating senior at the illustrious Hampton University studying strategic communications with an emphasis in liberal studies. Jordyn creates for others while being deeply motivated for her passion of storytelling and helping women find their voices.