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Healthy Ways to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth This Halloween

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

The leaves are falling, the temperatures are dropping, and Spooky Season is officially here! Halloween is my favorite time of year. You can dress up in cool costumes, watch scary movies, and indulge in plenty of treats. However, many of us are trying to stay healthy while trying to indulge in the many delicacies that Halloween has to offer. Here are some healthy tips to engage in this Halloween!

Eat before going out

Before going to any parties or out trick-or-treating, be sure to eat a balanced meal. Make sure your meal also includes a good serving of proteins and fiber. This can help prevent any cravings and less likely to snack on sweets. This will also keep your energy up as your body isn’t running purely off of sugar from sweets.

Stay hydrated

Keep your bottle of water handy this Halloween season! Drinking enough water can help curb cravings. After eating sweets, make sure to drink water to cleanse your mouth of any remaining sugar that can damage your teeth. Also, remember to drink water before a night out to prevent dehydration.

Swap it out

This can be tough, but consider swapping some of your candy and other desserts for healthier ones! Instead of having a milk chocolate bar, consider dark chocolate. Also, consider having treats like granola, fruit, popcorn, and cheese. When getting candy, consider getting low-fat or fun-size bars. Remember, balance is key for maintaining a healthy Halloween!

Keep candy and other sweets out of sight

After getting sweets, put them in a space where they are not in plain view. When sweets are out, you may be tempted to grab some for snacking. If you buy huge bags of candy, try storing them until Halloween. If you have extra candy, consider giving it to friends and family. If it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind!

Stay Active

It’s important to stay up and moving throughout the season, as we can become more dormant due to the cold weather. Consider doing activities that will keep you moving and engaged in order to burn calories. Some Halloween activities that involve a lot of movement include dancing, going to a maze, or even trick-or-treating! Remaining active after Halloween is also crucial alongside maintaining a healthy diet.

With this advice, it’s important to treat yourself! Halloween happens once a year, so you can occasionally indulge in some sweets. Just remember to stay on track with your health and this Halloween will be a breeze. Here are some healthy Halloween recipes that are tasty and healthy! They incorporate veggies and proteins as well as some treats. Be sure to get some friends and try these out!

Monster Halloween Popcorn

Autumn Glow Milkshake

Warm Spiced Apple Cider

Halloween Popcorn Treats

Halloween Charcuterie Board

I hope you have a safe and happy Halloween!

Madison Davis is a senior, Psychology major, Communications minor from Memphis, TN. She enjoys traveling, cooking, and playing with her dogs, Pyper and Jamocha! She's honored to share her experiences through her writing with the HerCampus community. Feel free to visit her Instagram page @maddyecamille!