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Getting Involved! : How Campus Involvement Led Me To My Passion

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

As my sophomore year continues to unfold, I am filled with excitement as to what this new chapter of my life will bring. Reminiscing on this time last year, I am overwhelmed with immense gratitude for all of the things I have learned up until this point. My #1 advice to the current freshman, that I will continue to preach, is to GET INVOLVED. It’s normal to find some difficulty in finding your niche within the college, and it’s normal to not have all the answers yet. Know that it’s okay to not have everything all figured out, you still have time to be the person you wish to become. Freshman year is your prime time to learn more about yourself, as well as the things you truly find joy in doing. With that being said,  here’s how getting involved led me to ultimately find my passion and my future career path.

For many people, getting involved can be overwhelming and exciting in one. First and foremost, attend on-campus events. This is a great opportunity for you to meet new people and network. In fact, you are likely to meet someone who has the same passions as you do. Next, comes the club fair, a great chance to learn about organizations on campus that you will eventually have the opportunity to apply for and join. For me, the club fair was exciting and inspiring, because it reminded me that there are multiple ways to get involved apart from my academics, or my major department. 

Going into my freshman year of college, I was an interdisciplinary study major, convinced I wanted to go into the field of education in the future. However, after joining this very club I am now writing for, Her Campus, I was incredibly inspired, and knew journalism was something I would find immense joy in doing. Though at the time it was a step out of my comfort zone, being surrounded by like-minded women and being given the freedom to write candidly about my experiences is what ultimately pushed me to really enjoy the field of journalism. Not only did I begin to find my passions in journalism, but it also encouraged me to continue to branch out and explore more organizations on campus that sparked my interest. Therefore let me reiterate the concept that a step out of your comfort zone is often a step in the right direction. If it hadn’t been for me doing something as simple as attending a club fair, I wouldn’t have found the talent for writing I never knew I had. 

To Onyx 13, branch out and think big, I wish you nothing but great success this school year and beyond, and never forget that it is never too late to be everything you’ve wished for.

Zoë Rose

Hampton U '25

Zoë Rose is currently third year Journalism major with an emphasis on English & Creative Writing from Watchung, New Jersey. When she's not writing, she enjoys listening to music, spending time with friends, and doing yoga <3