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Fall Back In Love With Your Skin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.


Happy Fall! Summer is over and it is now time for pretty leaves, balsam fir candles, and pumpkin spice lattes. With the season change also calls for chillier weather, which means your skin will need to adjust to the increasingly colder temperatures. Preparation and healthy habits and routines are key for your skin this season. Check out 6 ways to keep your skin in glowing order this fall season!


  1. Keeps those lips moisturized! Nothing is more embarrassing than having dry, ashy lips and not having any type of lip balm or protectant to help the condition. Go to your local drugstore or beauty supply store on stock up on Blistex, Carmex, Vaseline, or your preferred lip balm. These Hampton winds can be vicious and will show no mercy on your lips.


  1. If the web part in between your thumb and first pointer finger look like this….you are in desperate need of a hand cream. The worst thing is walking around campus and looking down to your hands looking like the Sahara Desert. Stock your bags with Neutrogena hand cream, creamy shea butter, or even a cream by Aveeno. Do not get caught with alligator hands ladies!


  1. Speaking of hand cream, it is the season of creams in general. It is time to put the lotions away and adopt a heavier moisturizer. Creams create a strong oily barrier on the skin that prevents from water loss and maintains strong hydration. Also adopt a heavy moisturizer cream for your face that does not have fragrance. Let go of the watery cocoa butter lotions and scented lotions that might have worked during the summer. Once again, the Hampton Winds will whip that thin lotion right off your skin as if you never touched the bottle.


  1. For the love of radiant skin, please exfoliate this fall season! Dead skin accumulates very easily on your face especially in the areas around your nose, corners of your mouth, and under your eye. It is important to regularly exfoliate and mask away this dead skin to prevent from nasty buildup. The Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay works wonders as a weekly mask! After washing off the mask, make sure to instantly apply that heavy moisturizer cream to ensure maximum moisture lock.You can find this mask online at Walgreens, Walmart, and Amazon.


  1. After you have exfoliated and moisturized, you probably will feel like a goddess of smooth and healthy skin. What better way to complete that feeling by laying your head down on a satin pillowcase? Satin is not a man-made material, therefore it is natural and hypoallergenic which means redness and dryness won’t be thorns in your side in the morning. Make sure to wash this pillowcase regularly!


  1. Last but definitely not least, you need to constantly drink water. Water is the healing liquid for everything from dehydration, clear skin, hangovers, and many other situations. We all remember learning the food pyramid and being taught to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Find a cute water bottle and drink drink drink! Clear skin will definitely be in your future.



By implementing these six tips, clear, hydrated, and moisturized skin will be abundant. Hope to see you falling in love with your radiant skin this season ladies!

creator.writer.blogger.journalist.sushi enthusiast. Victoria has been obsessed with writing since the days of journals and sneaking to read books under the covers. Her passion shows through each word that she carefully places into sentences, providing an experience that is nothing short of poetic and powerful. Read more of her work on her blog, quintessentiallyspeakingblog.wordpress.com