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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

What does one imagine when they think of a woman at the illustrious Hampton University? Coined with the title “Hampton Women,” we are often thought of as a mixture of bad and boujie, yet fashionable and ambitious at our Home by the Sea.

Nonetheless, we are all of that and so much more as there are many virtues that Hampton women embody to uphold the standard of excellence. Leadership, determination, courage and beauty are all found within the women who walk this campus. We are leaders who are go-getters, determined and all about our grind. Whether it be done wearing heels or her favorite pair of sneakers, a Hampton woman is leading by example. Her highlight is as bright as her future while she never underestimates the power of her own true self.

Inspired by many and dedicated to creating her own destiny, she persists through challenges and difficult moments as she has heard countless times, “This too shall pass.” Not only will it pass, but she will come out on top stronger than ever before. She is a genuine, one-of-a-kind friend, who sees success and good memories in the future for her and her girls. As someone who is supportive and encouraging, there is no time for jelousy because there’s room for everyone on her team to eat.

Early morning classes and long nights studying in the library is the sacrifice she makes not only to make her parents proud, but herself as well. She is all too familiar with managing her time to keep a balanced schedule, but somehow she still makes time for a photoshoot at the well-known brick wall. Just as quickly as it began, her four years at Hampton will come to an end, but the legacy of a Hampton woman will never fade. A Hampton woman has the power to change the world with her talents and passions. She is only at the beginning of creating a life of doing what she loves and is sure to go a very long way.

Hampton women are memorable and will undoubtedly leave their mark on people, wherever they may be. Keep a look out for us, we’re destined to do big things.

Jordyn Edwards is a graduating senior at the illustrious Hampton University studying strategic communications with an emphasis in liberal studies. Jordyn creates for others while being deeply motivated for her passion of storytelling and helping women find their voices.
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Ania Cotton

Hampton U '18

Ania is a charismatic, outgoing, fun loving individual with aspirations of owning her own public relations firm. Her favorite shows are Spongebob, Regular Show, and Bob's Burgers, and she loves to eat. Ania graduated from Hampton University in May 2018 with her Bachelors of Arts in Strategic Communications with a minor in Spanish. Ania loves to talk and give advice to her friends and family; the motto that she lives by is to always be a blessing to others because you never know who may need it. To learn more about her, visit her website at www.anianicole.com.