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DIY Crafts for Your Dorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Now that midterms are over, you have time to wind down and enjoy a few stress free activities for the remainder of the semester. You can start by giving your room a mid-semester makeover, change is always good for the soul! So sit back, relax, and read these DIY crafts tips to spruce up your room.


  1. Cacti Garden

I know exactly what you’re thinking, “Half the time I forget to eat because I’m taking a nap, how will I remember to water my plants?!” Rest assured, cacti aren’t like other plants. Depending on what kind of cactus you get, you won’t have to water it everyday. I have cacti in my room, and sometimes I go three days without watering them…and yes, they are still alive! You can get them from Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, or a local farmer’s market.

Here are a few benefits to have plants in your room:

  1. Adding plants to interior spaces can increase oxygen levels.

  2. Studies at the Agricultural University of Norway document that using plants in interior spaces decreases the incidence of dry skin, colds, sore throats and dry coughs.

  3. Plants remove toxins from air.

  4. Sickness rates fell by more than 60 percent in offices with plants.

  5. A study at The Royal College of Agriculture in Circencester, England, found that students demonstrate 70 percent greater attentiveness when they are taught in rooms containing plants.


2. Letter Photo Collage

This is a fun idea. You can go to any craft store to purchase a wooden letter. BUT, if you still have that box that your books came in, you can use that. Just stencil the letter and cut it out, it has the same effect. Now for the fun part! Find and print out your favorite pics, and even include pics from people you met this semester. Why not? There you have it, your own letter photo collage!


3. Painted Mason Jar Supply Holders

I know I’m not the only one who has an abundance of pencils, pens, spare change, etc. laying around in my dorm. Quite honestly, my drawer is getting full. Using mason jars is a good way to organize your items, and lessen the amount of time it takes you to find your go-to makeup brush. Personalize them by painting them different colors, adding rope or ribbon, using puffy paint, or throwing some gems on there. Either way, you can add your personal touch when creating the mason jars.


4. Night Light

Let’s set the record straight, night lights are NOT just for kids! Turn your glass bottles into night lights, it’ll add to the aesthetic. Personally, I’d rather have some assistance when I’m getting dressed for practice at 5am than stumble over everything in my room. Making a glass night light is easy.

Materials: glass bottle (or bottles), hot glue, hot glue gun, and a battery operated tea light.

Take the tea light and super glue it to the cap of the bottle. Let the glue dry, turn on the light, screw on the cap and you’re done. Now you don’t have to worry about tripping over your chair and waking up your roommate.


5. Tapestry Hanger

Hanging a tapestry is always a nice way to add personality to your room. You can find them at target, etsy or urban outfitters. But if you’re feeling lazy, you can just go online and find one that is just right for you. Hanging the tapestry is simple, doesn’t come with holes in it, just cut a small slit in the top of each corner, and then use command strips to hang it on the wall.


6. Art

Spruce up your room with your choice of wall art. Art always adds a simple but comfortable feeling to your room. I’m a fan of large acrylic paintings, but it is your choice. Don’t be afraid to dabble in different mediums of art; acrylic, print, drawings, ink, wooden, etc. Step out of your comfort zone, you make like how it feels.


7. Dreamcatcher

Have midterms caused you to have restless nights? I know I’m not the only one that has had that nightmare about waking up late for my test. So, save yourself the heartache and make a dreamcatcher. Now, the DIY part may sound difficult but the hardest part will be finding supplies.

Materials: sewing kit, embroidery hoop, yarn, features, and beads.

Now that you have your materials, you have the liberty of creating your dreamcatcher. If the DIY process is something that doesn’t interest you, go to walmart, target, amazon, etc., to find one that is already made.

Here’s the link to get started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vmtkc7FOWLw


8. Pile on the Pillows

Add some funky pillows to your collection! Don’t be afraid to mix large prints with small ones, floral prints with geometric ones. To add your own style, get different pillow covers or go to the local fabric store and customize your pillow. Make your room comfy!


9. Bring out Pops of Color

If you choose a significant color to be your focal point, it’ll add a flare to your room. Maybe use your lamp, a pillow, a poster, a rug, etc., to emphasize your new look. Give it a try!






10. Seasonal Lights

Depending on what time of year it is, get some seasonal lights to add to the overall decor in your room. If you’re one of those people that likes to redecorate frequently, change your lights to prepare for each holiday. Set the mood. You can even persuade your roommate to do the same, that way your whole room looks festive!


I hope these DIY crafts gave you ideas to makeover your room, now get to decorating!