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Christmas Code of Conduct: Choosing a Gift for Bae

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

He’s making a list and checking it twice! Christmas is right around the corner. This means Christmas trees, ginger bread cookies, mistletoes, and of course presents. This means buying gifts for family, friends, and bae! Here are five things to consider when choosing the perfect gift for your significant other:

Discuss whether or not you would like to exchange gifts

Everyone is not big on gifts for the holiday season. After all, the real meaning of Christmas isn’t about the giving and receiving of presents. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Some would rather spend it at church, with families, or even doing community service.

Think about how long you have been dating and budget yourself.

Whether it has been two weeks, two months, or two years, the amount of time you’ve been dating doesn’t mean that you cannot give him or her a gift. You also do not want to spend an arm and a leg. Get crafty! Go to your local arts and crafts store (ie. JoAnn’s or Michael’s) decorate a picture frame, and put your best cuffing picture inside. To top it off, attach a cute letter on the back of the frame. This gift is cute, inexpensive, and will be cherished forever.

Surprise gifts!

You don’t want bae to know what you got for them. Don’t ask them what it is that they would like to receive. Pay attention! Observe and get a feel for what he or she likes. What do they like to do? What have they been saving for? What stores do they enjoy shopping in? Once you figure out what they may like, tackle it. Surprise gifts are the always the best.

Make sure the gift has meaning.

You don’t want to give a gift JUST because. Gifts for your significant other should always symbolize something. You don’t have to spend a ton of money. As some people say, “material things don’t mean much to me,” and most materialistic items shouldn’t mean much to anyone.

Don’t be stingy.

Has bae been yearning for something that you just cannot stand? Makeup? A sports jersey? Regardless of how you feel about it. Get it! I’m sure they would appreciate that you have set your feelings aside and put his first.

By now you should have an idea of what to get your significant other for the holidays. Shop ‘til you drop!

Lauren Hendricks is a Junior, Journalism major at Hampton University. When she's not busy studying, serving as a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Hampton U or staying involved on Hampton's campus, she can be found at a local Starbucks, mall or on her yoga mat. Lauren is enthusiastic about community service and telling stories. Check here for blog posts and updates.