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Campus Cutie: Amber Smith

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Get to know this week’s Campus Cutie Amber Smith! Amber is a sophomore journalism major, leadership studies minor from Fort Washington, Maryland. She’s involved on campus and loves spending time with her family and friends. Read the article below to find out more about Amber Smith!

HC: To start off, what made you choose Hampton University?

AS: I decided to choose Hampton University mainly because of my major broadcast journalism. When I initially visited the school, I went to the Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications. I was very surprised how well the programs are that they provide Scripps majors.  

HC: Why did you choose broadcast journalism as your major?

AS: I knew I wanted my major to be broadcast journalism when I was very young because I love public speaking and I love news, and being on TV under an entertainment news network seems like it is my calling.

HC: What are your future career goals?

AS: One day I would love to be the main anchor on a major news network, preferably entertainment because I love fashion and pop culture.

HC: What are you involved in on campus?

AS: I’m involved in the NABJ, New Era modeling troupe, College Girls Inc. I’m also a William R. Harvey Leadership fellow, and will be in the homecoming fashion show.

HC: What do you like to do for fun?

AS: I love spending time with friends and family and I like doing community service with my friends because we get to help others while spending time with each other.

HC: Describe your personal style.

AS: I would say I’m not confined to one category, I definitely like to change up my style and keep it unique but I would say I’m very girly in the way I dress.

HC: What’s one beauty product you can’t live without?

AS: My lipstick because I love a red lip, it really stands out and complements everything.

HC: What’s your current relationship status?

AS: I’m single at the moment.

HC: What does a guy have to do to get your attention?

AS: For a guy to get my attention he has to be consistent and different from the rest.

HC: What’s something special about you that people might not know?

AS: I’m actually a pageant girl, I’ve been doing pageant since I was twelve years old. I don’t hold a title right now but my last title was in 2014 when I was Miss Teen Maryland United States.

HC: Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

AS: I hope to be very successful living out my dreams being a news anchor hopefully living in Los Angeles where it’s sunny and beautiful.