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5 Things Essential to the 2015-2016 Year Glow Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

We hear it all the time, “Grind Now, Shine Later.” But what are the key elements to the ultimate glow up this school year? From spiritual wellbeing, to academics and health relationships, the glow up is an essential part of getting through your journey at Hampton. It’s all about growth. Staying complacent is a henderence to yourself and maybe even to those around you. Her Campus explores the meaning of “glow up” and 5 things essential to achieving it.


So what is a “glow up”? Quieanu Huff, a senior, Strat. Comm. Major from Atlanta, Georgia believes the glow up is the reveal of gaining complete authority over your success and shining because of it.  Others say the glow up is reaching another level of “Hamptonization” every year. However you define it, your growth as a person is determinate on setting yourself on the right path. Although everyone’s glow up is defined and expressed differently, the point is that you know yourself well enough to understand if have reached a new level of who you are.


Here are 5 things essential to the 2015-2016 Glow Up:


5. Mental Freedom-

Whether you just went through a bad break up, a family issue, or just a panic attack over school starting so early this year… It’s important to free yourself of the stress life had to offer before returning to campus. Worrying takes away the peace life has to offer. It may take a while to shake off that feeling, but once you do, everything else will fall into place. Then you’ll have room for happy and glow!


4. Financial Flexibility-

Budgeting after you just lived with your parents all summer could be a challenge. No more Daddy on the couch to offer you money before you leave the house. So remember, if financial aid didn’t come through yet or you haven’t found a job, it’s important to keep your expenses in mind. Save all those extra $5 bills you’re going to want to spend on food after the party lets out, it may come in handy when it’s time for you to get that Homecoming outfit for the cabarets. October is just around the corner! And while you’re saving for events you want to partake in, you’re also learning how to prioritize and plan your money! It’s a win-win.


3. Academic Accountability

You’re not spending $32,000 a year to sit on your butt and bring home D’s. There’s little to be explained about academic accountability at Hampton. Adjusting as a freshman may be a challenge at first, but after you get into the swing of things, it should be a no brainer. Scheduling, getting your books, taking notes, doing assignments, looking for a tutor, starting study groups and class group-me chats- what ever you need to do to succeed academically (besides cheat), do it!


2. Utilizing Your Resources/Networking on Campus

College doesn’t last forever. If you want to study abroad, intern, volunteer, join a club/team/Greek organization, these are all options at Hampton U the same way they are at most other colleges. There are faculty advisors as well as other students who have all the tea on who to talk to and get anything you want to get done completed. You can even create your own or take on a leadership role. There are tons of options to choose from. No matter what your choice is, make sure you utilize every resource to get yourself further. The choice may be for fun, your future career path, or to boost your self confidence- but networking in college is essential to the glow up. You never know where your connections can take you or when they will come in clutch in times of need. You may even find your future lifelong mentor or best friend.


1. Physical Wellbeing

When you look good, you feel good. Physical wellbeing has little to do with the way others view you, but instead on how you view yourself. Dress to impress may be the phrase, but before you worry about impressing others, impress yourself. Do you feel good when you wake up in the morning and start your day? Maybe not- but that’s nothing a well-put together outfit and hygiene routine can’t fix. The other side of physical wellbeing is your health. The gym may not be for everybody, but exercise and clean eating is an important part of not only your glow up, but also your entire existence. Taking care of you is every one’s individual responsibility. A key way to eliminate bad eating is buying groceries and cooking instead of eating fast food and ramen like most college budgeted students do.  If the gym isn’t your thing, find a hobby or a track a few times a week, anything that’ll make you sweat. Your efforts will work out in the long run… literally! 

Socorro Kenoly is a senior, Strategic Communication major in Hampton University's Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications. Socorro is a proud Hamptonian hailing from Atlanta, Georgia.