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5 Reasons why Being Single in College isn’t So Bad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

I’m sure at some point we’ve all pondered the idea of finding our perfect “Hampton Man”; but coming from someone who has been single almost all throughout college- with the exception of freshman year- I’m here to tell you that being single isn’t all that bad! In fact, you get to pass on most of the mess and just focus on school and you- what really matters.

1. You get to find out what you really like

OK I know this is cliché (which is exactly why I want to get this out the way) but, this is absolutely true. Simply put, in college you’re gonna grow up. You’re going to be exposed to different ways of living and thinking and naturally, you’re going to find something new that you like. I’m not saying that when in a relationship you two can’t grow together but, I am saying I have seen many couples outgrow each other, which is fine! Honestly, that’s a beautiful thing too and has its own positive lessons. But why not try to become who you are first, as an independent, and then add some one into the equation? This way you get to be unapologetic in your growth and not have to explain anything to anyone. Which brings me to my next point.  

2. Freedom

Now, of course in a healthy relationship both parties should be able to lead happy independent lives; but we also know that when you’re in a relationship, there are things you just don’t do. Especially on this high school sized campus where it’s so easy to turn nothing into something.

3. You can have friends of the opposite sex

Ladies, I know at some point or another your boo has felt threatened by one of your guy friends, no matter how you present him (Ex. “Oh John? We’ve been friends forever he’s cool”). Being single gives you the freedom to have as many guy friends as you want-and I’m a firm believer in the importance of forming platonic relationships with the opposite sex. Can you imagine how whack it is to go through life always thinking that just because a male acknowledges you he wants sex? (you’re basically saying that’s all you have to offer). These are our years to learn to form relationships that will hopefully come to fruition through job connects, life-long friends, and business partners. But, with all these assignments and applications due, now is not the time to be trying to explain that to somebody for the sake of one’s ego.

4. Less Drama

All around, being single can eliminate unnecessary drama (assuming you’re not a messy person like mwah). Ever notice that you find yourself getting agitated by little things your significant other does? Silly things like them not texting back, or them choosing to hang out with their friends over you? Yeah, being single eliminates all of that. Go hang out with your girls (or guys), there’s no one to pick a fight with you.

5. Post-college

Ok so this one is for anyone studying- or preparing to- for GSATS, LSAT, or even considering job offers. Personally, I want my post-college plans to be completely my own. I want to be able to cast a wide net and apply to graduate programs all over the country. Unfortunately, if I have to take into account someone else (because relationships involve compromise), that list may be significantly altered- especially if long distance is off the table.  

Basically, college is full of new opportunities, lessons, experiences; and being single is one to embrace.

*Tip of the week: Drink a glass of lemon water as soon as you wake up to promote clear skin and aid digestion.


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Lauren Hendricks is a Junior, Journalism major at Hampton University. When she's not busy studying, serving as a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Hampton U or staying involved on Hampton's campus, she can be found at a local Starbucks, mall or on her yoga mat. Lauren is enthusiastic about community service and telling stories. Check here for blog posts and updates.