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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

By: Symone Conway

Many people fear stepping out of their comfort zone. Since coming to college, I feel there is no better place to embrace being uncomfortable than here. There’s a lot of experiences some people will go through for the first time, and there’s no point in being shy. Although no one wants to be wild and crazy, there is still a way to navigate life having fun and being bold, living each day as if tomorrow isn’t promised. 

One mentality to take on when living for the plot is the concept of living in the moment. We only get to live each day once, and we should try to be our absolute happiest or most content on each of those days. This concept doesn’t mean acting on that intrusive thought or exercising a lack of self control. It simply means not to overthink and make the most of each opportunity as you truly wish to. Part of overcoming this hesitancy to leave the comfort zone comes from fear of rejection or embarrassment. Failure is inevitable. The only thing to focus on with failure is moving on from it. Failure is apart of life, so the more you fail, the less likely you are to be scared of it. It’s like exposure therapy—getting used to being around the thing(s) you fear most. After a while, you realize that the fear may not have been worth all of that anxiety.

Another mentality worth engaging in is less worrying. It means so much to ask yourself if something will matter in 5 years or if it will have impacted your life for the better (possibly) in 5 years. We are at very important, pivotal, plot-advancing stages in our lives right now, so while things should be done with caution, that should not stop us from having fun and creating good lore for future stories. 

The concept of doing things for the plot comes from the idea that you are a main character. The plot of your life depends on you. Anything can be a main character moment if you want moments you can recall forever. If it would make you happy, do it. I’d rather regret doing something than regret not making the most of something when I had the chance to. The same way comparison is the thief of joy, overthinking can be too. 

As the days, weeks, and months of 2024 go by, ask yourself if you lived your day to the fullest. Ask yourself if there’s anything you hesitated on or worried too much about. As long as we’re giving 100%, our plot will be full! It’s important to note that the worst that can happen is being told no. The worst that can happen is facing rejection, being declined, or experiencing embarrassment. The world doesn’t end because we get told no. The world ends when we dont try again! The world ends when we give up!

Symone Conway

Hampton U '27

Hi! I’m Symone, a psychology major at Hampton University from Chicago, IL. I'm interested in psych because I love understanding people and being there for them. I’m the oldest sister of three, which has influenced my love for supporting others mentally and emotionally. I also love any and everything girly. I think of myself to be a girls girl and believe in uplifting my feminine queens <3. I enjoy astrology a lot (I’m a pisces). I love talking and bonding with others. I’m excited as a writer for HerCampus and hope my articles are enjoyed by all those that read them. Writing is a super impactful outlet for me, and I am inspired by those around me to continue entertaining the world through my articles!