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10 Steps to Self-Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.


1.     Get right with God

Make him “B.A.E” (Before Anyone Else). Understand that if your relationship with him is not  right, then nothing else in your life will be. You will feel this space in your heart that can only be filled with his love. Also understand that he is the only one that truly knows you, He knows your heart’s desires, your biggest secrets, your frustrations, your pain and your anger.

2.     Remove the toxins from your life

Remove the negative people in your life. Those naysayers, the ones who always put you down and never support your dreams and goals and tell you that you aren’t good enough. They do nothing but bring you down, these people are not helping you, they only hurt you.

3.     Make a list of your dreams/goals

Write down all your dreams and goals in your favorite planner. Whether they be short term or long term goals, just write them down. Make sure to include deadlines for your goals. One of the best feelings is being able to put a check mark next to a finished goal. It’s that feeling of success, the feeling of accomplishment.

4.     Move at your own pace

This is probably one of the most vital steps. Everyone does not learn at the same pace or grow at the same pace. You have to make sure that you are going at a speed that is comfortable for YOU.

5.     Surround yourself with good people

Surround yourself with people that are on your level. These are the people that just get you. The people that you don’t have to explain yourself to, those who share the same passions as you and want you to succeed.

6.     Pick out your flaws

Know yourself well enough to be comfortable doing this. Whether your flaws are a big nose, a big forehead, or perhaps you’re thicker than most. Love all of yourself, because in the words of the immortal J Cole “Love yourself, girl, or nobody will”. But no, seriously, love yourself ad be able to critique yourself so that when someone uses your flaws against you it won’t phase you because you know you are.

7.     Pick out your strengths

What is one thing you just LOVE about yourself? Find that strength, something you’re good at. Maybe you can beat that face to death, or sing your heart out or maybe even dance with the best of them. Find your craft and work to perfect it.

8.     Find a hobby

Again, what is something you like to do? Do you like to relax and bury your head in a book or come up with the most amazing articles? How about scrolling down tumblr? (Yes, this is a hobby).

9.     Treat Yourself

You work too hard to not deserve a little treat. If you’ve gotten all your homework done and you’ve had a productive day and you’re content with yourself, treat yourself to a mani/pedi, or go see that movie you’ve had your eye on, even better, go to the mall and splurge a little. Let yourself know that you deserve it

10.  Stay Woke

Keep yourself in the loop and up to date with what’s going on in your community, in the country and around the world. Do not allow the media to feed you half-truths. 

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Abby Idisi

Hampton U

Lauren Hendricks is a Junior, Journalism major at Hampton University. When she's not busy studying, serving as a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Hampton U or staying involved on Hampton's campus, she can be found at a local Starbucks, mall or on her yoga mat. Lauren is enthusiastic about community service and telling stories. Check here for blog posts and updates.