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Tips On Keeping Your Dog Safe In The Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamline chapter.

Hey Dog Owners, I know you have to keep Fluffy up-and-running or else he will tear down the house, but please take into consideration that Fluffy has feet too. Soft, delicate paws are just as sensitive as the bottoms of our feet. Just because the pavement isn’t hot doesn’t mean that pooch is in the clear. Dogs paws are susceptible to getting cut by ice, becoming frostbitten in the snow, or accumulating chemical burns due to salted sidewalks. How do you keep your pup safe in these frozen times? Here’s five steps that are accredited to reducing your dog’s podiatric injuries.

1. The dog park:


Simple, right? The dog park is the safest place to get Fluffy’s wiggles out. Little to no snow or ice (if it’s in proper care), no salt and your dog can make new friends if he’s ready and willing. Here’s a few parks I tend to frequent, and also highly recommend:  Minnehaha Dog Park and Reservoir Woods Park.

2. The backyard:

Again, not too dramatic. There’s nothing you know better than your own backyard, right? This category can certainly be limiting, especially if you have a small or no backyard. If this is a problem, simply use your neighbors, or a nearby playground-They won’t mind.  

3. Booties:


This one’s either all or nothing; your dog either hates or tolerates the boots. Dogs don’t have any concept of objectivity, meaning that they don’t know where their paws/body is at all times in the space they occupy. Putting on booties makes this obvious and aware, like a toddler trying on pants for the first time. Hence, the most hilarious gifs in the universe. While they may look silly, booties are the best way to protect your dog’s feet in any weather. But sometimes they need the right training. 

4. The wash:

As noted above, the salt that you use on your driveways and sidewalks is slightly corrosive, leading to dog’s feet to becoming chemically burned or damaged. If your dog is limping or whining after a walk in the snow, give the pup a bath. Soaking and washing the paws in warm water is always a good way to keep your dog happy and healthy.

5. Wear ‘em out inside:



Always a last resort, an oldie but a goodie; Plain ‘ol wearing your dogs out inside. The heat, your dog, and you are there, so why not pal around with your buddy for an hour or two? Provided you have the right toys and roommates that don’t mind the noise, it’s guaranteed to leave your dog (or you!) pooped for the day.

Thanks for the read and all you dog lovers out there; Keep you and your dog safe this winter!




Listen man I just write here
Madelaine Formica is nineteen. She is the Campus Correspondent for the Hamline HerCampus Chapter. She's been published for her scripts on jaBlog and for a short story in Realms YA magazine. She's also a senior reporter for The Oracle and a literary editor for Fulcrum literary magazine.