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What I Don’t Miss About High School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

So I am currently writing this blog instead of studying for 2 tests, doing 3 readings, 1 problem set, and 1 research project proposal. The stress that is coursing through my body is indescribable. It is times like these when I just wish I were back in the much less stressful environment of high school. Remember those classes in which you just never had homework? Like, ever? Yeah…those were the days. And while I do yearn for the days of being a post-AP second semester senior, there are certainly some things I am OH so glad that I left behind in the hallowed hallways of my high school.

I think I should start off with what might be the WORST stress in high school. No, not AP tests…PRAMA. That’s right, prom drama. I mean, do I even need to rehash all of the stress that led up to that one special night (that, let’s be real, wasn’t all it lived up to be)? In no particular order, there was 1. The date: will he or she ask me? Am I going to need to ask my camp friend or an underclassman? Will he or she be tall enough? Am I going to have to go by myself? Am I even going to go at all? 2. The dress (obviously it needs to be perfect…will it compliment my skin tone/am I going to have to get a tan? Will it fall down? Am I going to have to wear a bra?) 3. The shoes 4. The jewelry 5. The pre party 6. The limo situation 7. The after party. Excuse me if I missed anything, but I think I broke out in hives just thinking about that list.

Locker jams. We all start sweating thinking of the inevitable locker jam. You have 3 minutes to get to your next class and your locker refuses to cooperate. What do you do? Who do you ask for help? Certainly not that senior lacrosse player walking right by you throwing you that judgmental look. Oh s**t.

Teachers chaperoning school dances. I don’t think this needs an explanation. We can all think of that disapproving look you got from your English teacher as you grinded up on your crush. Might as well kill me now rather than having to walk into class on Monday morning.

Having to get permission for the most random stuff. Like having to go to the bathroom. I mean some teachers were pretty lax about the whole bathroom policy, but there were always those assholes who made you raise your hand to ask permission to go the bathroom. Well by the time you call on me, I will have already peed my pants. #sorrynotsorry Also, getting your signed permission slips in on time. Just no.

And of course, there was the college process. I am 87% sure that my brain just blocked out all memories of applications, SATs, ACTs, essays and the Common App. That is just a part of our lives that most of us would rather not remember. The only good thing to come out of this was that we all ended up here at Hamilton. If you ask me, all of that pain was definitely worth it.

Now some people loved high school and some people hated it, but I think that we can all come to an agreement: We were all happy to leave behind the stresses of high school as we threw our graduation caps in the air.



Katherine is currently a sophomore at Hamilton College. She loves her school, penguins, dancing and is always down for a good adventure.
Courtney is a sophomore at Hamilton College who is majoring Psychology and minoring in Sociology and Spanish. She enjoys tour guiding, writing, and living on the dark side.