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Six Things You Must Do This Fall on the Hilll

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

Autumn is my absolute favorite season on the Hill. The fiery colors of the leaves are exactly what we need to remind us why we love Upstate New York (especially with the winter not so far off). But once the semester gets rolling, it can be so easy to waste fall under a pile of books in the library instead of outside among the piles of leaves. Here are six things you can do to really appreciate fall on the Hill while it lasts:

On Campus:

1. Take a walk in the Glen. It’s always there, but for how many more days will the trees look this beautiful? The fall colors are fantastic, so why not grab your camera and hit the Glen? It will only be so long before it gets freezing, so you should take the time now to explore. Try not to get lost, but if you do, just call it the “scenic route” and enjoy the study break. 

2. Pumpkin Carving. There will be a pumpkin carving contest in Commons on October 29th from 2 to 4 p.m. So grab a pumpkin and start getting creative. 

Down the Hill:

3. The Clinton Cider Mill. Once October rolls around, the only flavors that anyone craves are apple, pumpkin, and cinnamon. The Clinton Cider Mill is a Hamilton favorite, and the fall semester wouldn’t be complete without some cider donuts.

4. Fall Fest. This year, the festival will take place on October 21st at the Clinton Village Green. It’s a great way for Hamilton students to interact with our surrounding community. The town of Clinton along with the Hamilton Social Traditions Committee is organizing plenty of free food, activities, and entertainment. A capella performances and booths for at least fifteen Hamilton organizations will keep you occupied all day!

A Little Further:

5. Herkimer Diamond Mine. Pay ten dollars to spend time mining for “Herkimer Diamonds”. They aren’t real diamonds, but the website describes them as “beautiful double-terminated quartz crystals found in Herkimer, New York. Incredibly, these phenomenal gemstones are close to five hundred million years old. The crystals are magnificent works of nature, found in the rock, having a diamond-like geometrical shape.” For more information, see http://www.herkimerdiamond.com/mining.html#rates.

6. Go Apple Picking.

Head down to North Star Orchards Farm Market and Bakery in Westmoreland for some fun apple picking! This roadside stand sells fresh produce such as pumpkins, corn and apples. Their apple orchards are gorgeous and open to the public for U-pick. They’re only open through mid December so you definitely don’t want to miss out!