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SAVES (Sexual Assault and Violence Education and Support)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

Hamilton SAVES (Sexual Assault and Violence Education and Support) is a student group dedicated to informing the student body about issues related to sexual assault on college campuses, improving resources available to students, and sponsoring campus-wide awareness events and activities. SAVES is not any ordinary organization on campus. They are a unique group that goes above and beyond organizing events and awareness campaigns; the members of SAVES also work with the administration, and other behind-the-scenes efforts to improve Hamilton’s resources for and response to survivors of sexual assault. 

This year, SAVES is introducing their Peer Advocate Group, a band of trained students who can provide confidential information to students who wish to seek advice about sexual assault for either themselves or a friend. The Peer Advocate program also provides support and guidance for students who want to report an act of sexual assault but do not want to approach the Hamilton Sexual Misconduct Board or an administrator, and feel more comfortable talking to another student.

Alexandra Nasto ’13, one of the student leaders of the Peer Advocate Group describes that SAVES is “establishing a great support network and a much needed resource through this new program.” Thus far, the Peer Advocate program consists of twenty-one students who are involved in a lot of different activities, which was a goal of the group. Nasto said, “In the coming semesters, we’re hoping to expand the program by holding our own workshops for other people, similar to how Safe Zone holds workshops, and also train more advocates by doing things like requiring each organization to have a trained member. 

SAVES hosts events throughout the year such as Take Back the Night, Speak Outs, the student Athlete reading of survior stories, a T-shirt campaign and other events that involve the rest of campus and make the issue of assault (especially on the Hamilton campus) more talked about and more visible. Most of these event occur during Spring Semester, given that Sexual Assault Awareness Month which is in the month of April. Last semester, SAVES redesigned the website and online resource database for Hamilton. They also modified the bathroom posters seen in every building around campus.

To learn more about the program go to www.hamilton.edu/hsmb and click on Peer Advocate in the left column. If you want to contact a peer advocate for yourself or your friend, e-mail advocate@hamilton.edu. All information will remain private. To join SAVES, email SAVES@hamilton.edu or contact Alexandra Nasto.