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Puru Gautam ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

Name: Puru Gautam

Hometown: Mumbai, India

Year: 2016

Relationship Status: Single

Astrological Sign: Virgo. The sexy one.

Residence Hall: Keehn. Aw Yeah


What activities do you do on campus?

I’m on the rugby team and mock trial team! I’m also part of the outing club and south Asian student association.

Who is your favorite artist?

Too many to decide from! My favourite genres are Jazz, Indie and Alternative rock though, if that helps.

What is your spirit animal?

Bonobo Monkey (they solve their problems with coitus)

Where would be your favorite place to travel to?


What is your best pickup line?

Are you a product of Gillette? Cause you’re the best a man can get. 

Who is your celebrity crush?

Scarlett Johansson 

What is your biggest turn-on in a girl?

My biggest turn on is a good looking girl who is humorous and can sing

What are some of your turn offs? 

Girls who smoke cigarettes. Girls with a sh*tty attitude.

Are there any differences between Indian girls and American girls?

Oh tons. It’s a big cultural thing. I love both though.