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Nick Solano: I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

On a cold, bleak, and work filled Wednesday night, a number of Hamilton students remained in the Burke Library. I was indeed one of those lucky students, and the event that occurred that evening ultimately made my week, and I’m sure anyone else’s who witnessed its majestic-ness. 

At exactly 8:37 pm on March 30th, there was an elongated rumble as the sound of Nike Air Maxes tumbled down the final set of stairs from the third floor of the library to the second. This was immediately followed by a loud thump, a series of applause, and open laughter.

Freshman, Nick Solano, laid at the bottom of the staircase for a solid 20 seconds before getting up (without any signs of injury) and speed walking away from anyone who had just witnessed this prime occurrence.

A few of Nick’s friends, i.e. eye-witness Bobby DeJoy, had to take a few minutes (possibly even seven) to control themselves. I personally have never seen anything like that ever happen in the library before so I did what anyone would do, I took out my phone to text the hiliarity of this prime happening.  

The thing is though that we all trip on a daily basis. Who hasn’t stumbled on that one square piece of sidewalk that is higher than all the others? Who hasn’t been looking and slipped walking up the stairs? Who hasn’t missed the black ice staring them directly in the face and fallen on their butt during the brutal Clinton, New York winters? Who hasn’t seen that one brick that is sticking out in Martin’s way just enough to catch you off guard and lead you to lose your footing?… I highly doubt there is anyone who can say “not me” to any of these questions.

While Nick’s fall may have been to a different extreme, he walked it off like a champion. In fact in Nick’s own words, “I was fine… My knee was a little rug burned, but not too bad.” Honestly, that is impressive. Especially since I heard last year during finals week a girl took a similar fall down the stairs, had to be EMTed, and wore a walking boot for the remainder of the semester. Way to go Nick. Seriously.

What’s even funnier about this situation is that Nick claims he did it on purpose.  “Yeah I purposely fell,” Nick said. “We thought it would be funny and we wanted to see peoples reactions. I just bit the bullet, dove down the stairs and hoped for the best. I knew that it was good for a few laughs and a halfway decent Facebook video.” We can only hope that the Hamilton football team also benefits from that kind of determination and stamina. Also, as Nick as mentioned, there is in fact a Facebook video that he is tagged in. So feel free to check that out here. You know you want to.