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How to Stay Healthy During Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.


With finals week quickly approaching, the last thing you want is to catch a cold or to get so stressed, you can no longer concentrate on anything. Stuffy noses and excessive anxiety can prevent you from performing your best on exams. Here are some tips on how to stay healthy (mentally and physically!) for the next couple of weeks. 


With a week full of finals and papers, it isn’t always easy to get a full night of sleep.  However, this is the most important component of staying healthy during finals week!  It is critical to rest up and make sure your immune system is up to the task of fighting the campus cold.  Sleep will also help your brain process and organize all the information you study, so if you don’t want to sleep for your health, sleep for your grades!


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important for bolstering your immune system.  Because it’s cold outside and you’re stressed out, your immune system is going to be weaker than usual.  On campus, you’ll be exposed to many germs and viruses, so drink lots of orange juice and if possible, take vitamin supplements to stay healthy!


While it’s hard to find extra time during finals week, exercise is a huge component of staying healthy.  Exercising will take your mind off of your work and allow you to release your stress by staying active.  Hitting up the gym will also give you the energy boost you need to stay focused.

Time Management

Plan out a study schedule in advance to avoid cramming at the last minute.  If you try to cram the night before an exam, you’ll increase your stress levels and most likely lose sleep.  Make sure you manage your time in advance to maintain a healthy schedule.