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HC Back to School Survival Kit!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

This week, our Her Campus chapter recieved some awesome free stuff to try out and share with you guys! They free stuff includes things that collegiates love: free energy-boosting drinks for late night study sessions, Luna bars, Chipotle gifcards, gel pens, notebooks, and gym bags!  Here are some of the awesome products you should be sure to try this semester:

Neuro: This yummy drink is much better for you than Red Bull or Monster- plus it only has 35 calories (a can of Red Bull has 110) but can help keep you awake and focused when you’re studying!  It actually tastes good, and there are many different flavors to try out for you varying moods in college. We tested out the “Neurosonic” flavor, which helps with attention and memory, but they also have drinks to help you fall asleep and or reduce stress. Check out all the flavors at http://drinkneuro.com!

Chipotle giftcard: The next time you take a trip to Syracuse, don’t just go to Dinosaur BBQ or a football game. We forget that Chipotle is only a short ride away, and it can be a good alternative to Commons food and an excuse to get off campus! Your amazing burrito is only a quick drive away! Take a look at their awesome menu here:  http://www.chipotle.com/en-us/menu/menu.aspx . Bonus: Chipotle is committed to food with integrity, so they have respect for the farmers and animals they get their food from.

Poppin products: We absolutely loved all the wonderful Poppin products that we got in our care package! They sell the cutest gel pens and awesome little notebooks that you can throw in your purse. The purple gel pens are the perfect color to spice up your reading, and they offer tons of colors online. They also have cute staplers, scissors, notepads, and desk accessories! http://www.poppin.com

Luna bars: Need a healthy snack that you can pack in your bag in the morning and eat after lunch? You should definitely try Luna bars- these yummy power bars have tons of important nutrients like Calcium, Iron, and Vitamin D. Designed with women’s health in mind, the bars come in tons of flavors and varieties with extra protein and fiber. Our personal favorite was the White Chocolate Mocha- be sure to try it! You can buy Luna bars at Hannaford’s in Clinton.  http://www.lunabar.com/products/luna-bar

We also loved the cute gym bag and sunglasses! Thanks Her Campus!