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A Guy’s Guide to Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

Valentine’s Day, a day where love is in the air, when couples are blissfully enjoying their time together. However, as people have come to realize, February 14th is more complicated than that. Through this body of work I hope to give a deeper look at two different classes of women: the one in a relationship, and the single one.

Relationship Woman

Valentine’s Day in theory should be easy for the one in a relationship. The stereotypical idea is that you go on a date, see a movie, and then have sex (I personally feel all that is needed is the last one). However, relationships are complicated at this time because it all depends on which stage of the relationship the couple finds themselves at. Women find themselves in two different situations. The first is being pressured into consummating the relationship, if they haven’t already. V-day is a big day, women don’t only feel pressure from their boyfriends, but also their society to have sex as well. Men on the other hand, enter into this day already believing that today is the day. So they make sure they do everything right, from gifts to the actual date. Men believe if they play their cards right the p***y will be theirs by February 15th. However, if a woman doesn’t want to take the next step in the relationship, she should express the idea that sex will not happen on V-day. Communication is KEY because if you deny it on Valentine’s Day he may feel offended, and start to question the relationship. In addition, if he treats you any different because of the fact, then he wasn’t right for you. For those relationships where sex with your partner is second nature, just keep doing what you are doing. Throw them legs back and tell him to have a good time. In addition, if you don’t express you affections through oral, Valentine’s Day is the day to start.

The Single Woman

This day sucks for you, not because your single, everyone is single at some point in his or her lives. The day sucks for because everyone around you is in a relationship. You walk through the day more surprised at all the couples you see then anything else. You may find yourself wanting some kind of attention either physical or emotional. So you try to fill that need either through expressing your love for your friends or talking to a guy you kinda like but not sure of. At this point, if you find yourself “hanging out” with a guy you kinda like there is one thing you must know. GUYS really don’t care about V-day, but think women do. To the point they believe who a girl hangs out with on V-day as good indicator of who she is either looking to hook-up with or start a relationship with( I know crazy right?). Guys want to be the one you text in the morning and the one you want to hang out with on V-day. In your mind you may just like him and want a little attention, your not looking for anything serious. The question then becomes how do you get what you want without leading him on anymore then you would want to? The best way to handle this is to keep it to group outings, never let it be just you and him, because he will try very hard to make sure he gets somewhere with you by the end of the night. However, if you want something more then kiss him on his neck, have sex with him, do something to show you want him. Don’t play the shy card, because that doesn’t fly on V-day, if you’re going to get down and dirty, then get down and dirty, point blank.

Hi my name is Christopher, most people just cal me Chris, but if you call me Christopher ill think you're mad at me. long walks on the beach is something I like... yeah I really don't. It just sounds like something you should say. I just like to relax and hang out