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Girls Review: Eight Times the Charm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

On the 8th episode of GIRLS, many surprises were unveiled.  We got a first hand look at Hannah’s OCD, something we previously did not know she suffered from.  The episode starts with Hannah performing every action 8 times each.  For example, looking over her shoulder 8 times, counting out exactly 8 chips (but eating them all at once of course), and chewing them in 8 bites.  Doesn’t sound so gr-8 to us! Hannah’s parents happen to be visiting New York this same weekend.  When they see that Hannah is counting, they immediately bring her to a therapist.  Hannah is very open with the doctor and says many perturbing things.  This is definitely a side of Hannah we haven’t seen, but she wasn’t the only one going through a rough patch this episode.  Adam goes AA (not Adirondack Adventure) and leaves with a potential date, the daughter of a fellow ex-alcoholic.  Even though Adam leaves a completely weird and “Adam-like” message on the daughter’s phone, she agrees to meet with him.  Turns out Natalia is a babe.

Shoshanna is also dealing with conflict in her life.  She invites Ray to a college party and Ray refuses, saying that it would be very creepy, even college seniors going to a college party is creepy.  Therefore, Shoshanna ends up attending the party alone only to find herself an hour later hooking up with the cute doorman.  How could she do this to Ray?  While Shosh was slutting it up, Marnie revealed the biggest secret of all.  Apparently she is Nora Jones.  Well not really, but girl can sing…who knew?  Marnie was inspired by Charlie’s newfound success to make something of her life and to follow her real dream. 

So Marnie really needs to get her life together, she’s a hot mess.  Great that she has a good voice, but she ain’t no Nora Jones.  She has a lot going for her and she should really use that to her advantage but she’s too busy bitching about her ex-boyfriend to do anything productive with her life.  Ironically, the only happy person in this episode was Adam.  He matured a little bit and finally seems ready to move on from Hannah and onto Natalia.  Hopefully next episode Hannah will stop counting, Marnie will start to get her life together, and Jessa will return.        

Emily Malter is a sophomore at Hamilton College majoring in Sociology and World Politics. Emily is from Westchester, New York.
Talia Levine is a sophomore at Hamilton College. She is from Long Island, New York but recently moved to Brooklyn. Talia is a hispanic studies major and anticipates going abroad to Madrid next spring.
Courtney is a sophomore at Hamilton College who is majoring Psychology and minoring in Sociology and Spanish. She enjoys tour guiding, writing, and living on the dark side.