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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

It’s no secret that Hamilton students love sex, but even so the turnout at the “I Love the Female Orgasm” workshop on Monday night was astounding. The full Annex was packed with girls seeking tips on how to have better orgasms (or perhaps their first orgasm) and with guys seeking either to make a good impression on the sexually active female population at Hamilton or to (I like to think) learn tips on how to be better in bed and a better partner for their girlfriends and hook-ups.

The workshop began with a hilarious clip from “When Harry Met Sally” (check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-bsf2x-aeE) which poked fun at how most women fake an orgasm at some point during their life. The truth is sometimes sex just isn’t as fun for women as it is for men… but it can be!

After the clip, the workshop leaders, Marshall and Maggie introduced themselves. Maggie identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community, a sex educator, and a pretty big fan of female orgasms. Marshall has written the book on female orgasms (literally… you can buy it at http://www.amazon.com/Love-Female-Orgasm-Extraordinary-Guide/dp/1569242763).

Following a broad discussion of female sexuality, those who identified as men were asked to leave the Annex to get their own workshop in the barn. This created a space where the girls could talk more freely… and talk we did! We came up with a list of things that turn us on (including dirty talk, communication, and Ryan Gosling), talked about female masturbation (it’s a common, healthy thing!) and told first orgasm stories (perhaps the best was a girl who discovered the joys of hot tub jets at the tender age of 8).

After the individual sessions, the groups came back together for the meat (no pun intended) of the program… how can girls have better orgasms? I’ve included a functional list for girls who want to orgasm for the first time (or have better orgasms) below. Different things work for different people, so check with your partner before you go all handcuffs, feathers, and cotton-candy flavored lube crazy. Have your best sex ever this weekend, courtesy of “I Love the Female Orgasm”:

–  Communication: once he decides to take the reins, be able to tell your partner what feels good and what doesn’t (if you don’t feel comfortable, consider whether or not you should be being intimate with him, sex can have sticky emotions all wrapped up in it, and it is beneficial to be wary)

-Kegels: this is the muscle you use if you stop peeing mid-stream, but you can clench and unclench them even when you’re not peeing. Strengthening these vagina muscles can not only make sex better for him (allowing you to tighten around him during sex) but it can also make your orgasms stronger and longe

-Don’t give up on the orgasm. It typically takes men between 2-5 minutes to orgasm while girls take closer to 20. Just relax and enjoy!


Kate is a Sophomore at Hamilton College majoring in Psychology. She works at the Utica Public Library in the children's room. On campus, Kate is head events coordinator for Active Minds, a poetry editor for the school's literary magazine, Red Weather, and an RA. In her free time, Kate enjoys yoga, running arbitrary distances, reading love poems, baking cupcakes, and petting adorable animals. She hopes to become a marriage counselor someday because getting paid to interfere with other people's relationships sounds awesome.