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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

Name: Carrie Rudd
Year: 2016
Hometown: Hastings-on-Hudson, New York
Potential Major: Sociology/ Studio Art

Do you have an inspiration for your style? A person, a “look”, a decade…?
Over the years I’ve been lucky enough to have family and friends with extensive wardrobes and a size that has not changed much since middle school. And so, after heaps and heaps of hand-me-downs, I have acquired an eclectic range of beautiful and bizarre items, both contemporary and frighteningly outdated. I’d say I find most of my inspiration simply in the stories and already lived experiences that come along with these pieces. Often times I’ll wear something that blatantly doesn’t fit or looks pretty horrible just because I think it deserves a second wind.

Where is your favorite place to shop?
My mother’s closet. It’s the most exciting and sometimes even the most confusing place to be. But, I can trust that there will always be something for everything buried in there. 

How would you describe your style?
I’m all over the place. Because my closet is a collection of clothing handed down to me from my mom, my grandma, my aunts, my family friends and even my brothers in addition to the clothing that I myself have come across in odd places at odd times, I’d say my style most importantly is a representation of my own and my loved ones’ history. 

What is your favorite article of clothing in your closet?
A black tuxedo jacket with white satin lapels that my mom’s best friend gave to me when I was in seventh grade. I knew I thought it was fantastic right off the bat, but I wasn’t quite sure yet how or where to whip it out. It wasn’t until my freshman year of high school on Halloween night that I wore it, dressed as a penguin. Since then it has served as a go-to for all different sorts of parties and events. 

Any spring trends you are looking forward to working around campus?
Sun. Not typically classified as a trend, but there’s nothing like some burn lines to compliment a nice sundress.

Do you have a signature look?
I wouldn’t say that I have one signature look, but everyday for the past four and a half years now I have worn the same men’s rectangular watch on my right wrist. Despite switching up the bands every once in a while, it is the unchanging staple to my otherwise wandering look.

Kaitlin is an English and Art History double-major at Hamilton College. 
Courtney is a sophomore at Hamilton College who is majoring Psychology and minoring in Sociology and Spanish. She enjoys tour guiding, writing, and living on the dark side.