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Off-Campus Fun Fall Activities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

The beginning of fall is here, ushered in by the much loved changing of the leaves along Martin’s Way. With fall comes an influx of the offers of Clinton Cider Mill cider and donuts—an offer you never want to turn down. But a trip to the cider mill isn’t the only thing to do this fall! Whether you are going on a cozy fall date with that special someone or finding something to do off-campus with your friends, fall is the most beautiful time in upstate New York. Take advantage of our surroundings with these activity ideas!

Northstar Orchards

Stop by this wonderful local orchard! Starting Saturday September 21st, you can go and pick your own apples (an apple picking outing screams Instagram opportunities). Also, from October 5th through 26th, there are free wagon rides and pumpkin picking! Check out their website for times and activities: http://northstarorchards.com

Fall Hiking

Just because you didn’t make it to 46 Peak weekend doesn’t mean that our opportunity to go on a fall hike disappeared. The area surrounding Hamilton is known for its scenic views. Whether you are up for an intense hike, a casual stroll on a dirt path or anything in between, check out the listings for Fitness Trails and Nature/Outdoor Activities on the Oneida County tourist website. Also, never underestimate the power of a joyride to the middle of nowhere! If you have a car on campus (and are willing to spare an afternoon/gas money) just jump in and drive. I guarantee you will find beautiful views which ever direction you head (and maybe an adventure or two!). http://www.oneidacountytourism.com/do/recreation/

Utica Zombie Walk

To get in the mood for Halloween, grab a group of fun loving friends and participate in the 5th Annual Utica Zombie Walk on October 19th! No doubt you have seen pictures of one on Facebook before, but now it is your turn! All you need is a really great costume and away you go! http://www.oneidacountytourism.com/events/v/2219/5th-annual-utica-zombie-walk/2013-10-19




Katherine is currently a sophomore at Hamilton College. She loves her school, penguins, dancing and is always down for a good adventure.