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Caitlin O’Connor ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.
We might like to joke that Hamilton attracts super smart, well-rounded students, but Caitlin goes above and beyond. A math and computer science double major who scored a sick internship at Facebook this summer, it’s clear that this Continental is going far after graduation. If you want to meet her, hit up CJ, go to a party in Carn, check the Spectator office, or find her on Martin’s Way wearing her tiger hat! 
Name: Caitlin O’Connor
Hometown: Bolton, CT
Year: 2014
Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle
Major: Math/Computer Science
Campus Activities: Spectator, Math Grader, Flute Ensemble, ASB E-Board, ELS, Trivia Night Enthusiast

How did you first get involved in computer science?

Well, as a matter of fact, coming out of high school I was determined not to be an engineer because I thought it would be really boring. But my dad worked with computers and the intro computer science course at Hamilton mentioned graphics so I thought I would give it a shot. Even after I began enjoying my comp sci classes, I convinced myself I was more interested in a career in math than computers. But after meeting a ton of normal, fun (and dare I say cool!) people at my internship at Cisco in California last summer, I decided Silicon Valley was definitely the place for me!! 
What is your favorite activity that you do on campus?
Hmmm that’s a toughie. I really like being involved in a lot of varied activities because it keeps me from getting bored or sick of anything in particular. My favorite activity would definitely have to be Trivia Night though (shout-out to Ma & Pa!) I’ve been going since my freshmen year, and circled through a bunch of different teams. I now play with Steve Bellona (Pa), his wife (Ma), and one of my computer science professors (Decker). We don’t always win, but we definitely have the most fun and best snacks!
Favorite study spot: 
The first floor of CJ, or as the math department likes to call it, the Living Room. To be more specific, on a weekday afternoon you’ll pretty much always find me munching on chocolate, laughing about life, and occasionally doing homework, in Professor Kantrowitz’s office. 
Do you have a spirit animal?
Well, I did a pretty epic face painting job of a tiger for Halloween my sophomore year.  Then, I acquired a tiger hat from my roommate this summer. It’s definitely my favorite thing to wear out on the weekends since it always starts a conversation! I’m also a Leo, so the big cat theme works.
It’s 10 pm on a Saturday night…where would you most likely be? 
Haha no question, my Carnegie dingle. It’s pretty much the best room on campus since it’s got a superbed, two closets and a private bathroom. I love hosting theme parties (this weekend is Go Blorange! for the Final Four) and it’s really awesome having a space big enough to hold them in. I’m also usually running behind schedule, so hosting makes it impossible for me to be late!
What’s your favorite thing about working for The Spectator?
My favorite aspect of The Spectator is the free food on Wednesday nights and amazing staff. There’s a certain type of bonding (and delirium) that happens when you’re trying to hit a deadline at 2 am, and I’ve met some of my best friends at Hamilton throughout my time on The Spec. Please don’t graduate seniors!! I’ve also picked up a lot of knowledge on Photoshop, InDesign, and general UI which has been helpful in expanding my computer science background.
What is your advice for anyone looking to get involved with media on campus?

Just volunteer!! If you email any media publication on campus, they’ll be more than happy to let you contribute. Hamilton gives us this awesome opportunity to express ourselves in a ton of different mediums and I think more students should take advantage of it. My friends and I are thinking of starting our own radio show next semester just because we can, so why not speak out about something you care about? It’s also a really great opportunity to improve on your writing and communication skills, which even computer scientists need!



Courtney is a sophomore at Hamilton College who is majoring Psychology and minoring in Sociology and Spanish. She enjoys tour guiding, writing, and living on the dark side.