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6 Tips for Meeting with a Professor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

6 Tips for Meeting with a Professor

Yep, it’s that time of the year again. The classes that started off as doable are suddenly impossible to do well in. You are swamped with exams, essays and problem sets, desperately looking for the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s time to accept the truth: you need to meet with your professor. Meeting with a college professor for the first time can be terrifying, but there is no need to fear, as long as you follow these 6 tips about how to have an effective and efficient meeting with a professor.


1. Have courage! – You might be feeling afraid or embarrassed to ask for help from your professor, but don’t let this change your mind. Hamilton professors are here to help you- that’s why they teach for a living. I guarantee you the help from your professor will outweigh any awkwardness that might result from the meeting.


2. Schedule a meeting – Email your professor or talk to them in person to set up a meeting, even if you plan on going during office hours. If your professor expects you, then they can better prepare for the meeting. Try to meet during the professor’s office hours if possible. Some professors are very busy and meeting outside of their office hours can be an inconvenience. 


3. Come prepared – Make sure you know exactly what you want to ask your professor when you meet. This means you need to take some time to formulate your questions before the meeting. Try not to walk into the meeting and just blubber, “I understand nothing!!” I always make a small sticky note with a list of my questions so that I can remember everything that I am confused about during the meeting. 


4. Get there on time – On time means 5 minutes early! I also recommend taking 15 minutes beforehand to review the material. This will help the meeting run smoothly because you won’t have to stop and remind yourself of the context of your questions.


5. Remember to take notes!! – During a meeting you can easily convince yourself that you will be able to remember every word your professor says. False. Odds are as soon as you exit their office it will all disappear. So take notes! Just jotting something down in the margins could be a lifesaver later. 


6. Wear something presentable – As much as I wish our society didn’t condition us to judge people based on their appearance, that is how the world works- especially for women. In other words, try not to wear sweats or anything too skimpy. You want your professor to respect you and know that you respect your education.