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Your Spring Break Bucket List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

With midterms winding down and spring break just around the corner, it’s time to plan how you want to spend your nine free days before diving into the second half of spring semester. Whether you’re staying in DC, heading home, or vacationing in paradise, this spring break bucket list can work for you. Below are seven activities to try this spring break, before you kiss free time goodbye and get stuck back on the school grind.


1.  Read a book

As a college student, it’s so rare to have the opportunity to read a book of your own choosing. After months of assigned scholarly journals and textbook chapters, take the time over spring break to remember what it’s like to read for fun. If you’re looking for a suggestion, my current top pick is Love and Shame and Love by Peter Orner, while chronicles the loves and lives of three generations of a midwestern family.


2. Try a new restaurant (a.k.a., break your pre-spring break diet)

Whether you’re enjoying a vacation or staycation, there’s nothing like exploring somewhere new. That kind of exploration is even better if it’s food-related; check out a newly opened restaurant, an out-of-the-way diner, or a trendy place with unusual ethnic cuisine. In DC, I’d recommend Das in Georgetown for an Ethiopian gastronomic experience; if you’re interested in a hometown specialty and happen to be in my home state of Maine, Clayton’s Café in Yarmouth is the way to go.


3. Get outside

Even if you’re somewhere cold (like DC right now…) you can still get out. If the temperatures are less than pleasant, bundle up and go for a monument walk, or rent a Zipcar and go for a drive in Virginia or Maryland. If you’re somewhere warmer, take a long walk on the beach, or take a nap out in the sun. Everyone can use a little fresh air and vitamin D now and then.


4. Play a game

My new favorite game, which I recently learned from a friend, is “People-Watching Bingo.” Wherever you may be, go to the most crowded spot in the area, and bring a friend and custom-made bingo boards with you. Fill in each square with the description of a person or pair, like “Hipster,” “Adorable old couple,” or “Drunk person,” wait until you see someone that matches each box, then cross them out. The first one to B-I-N-G-O – or the last one to get called out for starting at strangers – wins!


5. Make a resolution

Who needs New Year’s resolutions when you can set one for the second half of the semester? This mid-way point is a good time to reflect on what you’re happy with so far, and what you’d like to see change before finals. Whether it’s academic, friend-related, or relationship-related, writing yourself a note about what you’d like to focus on from now until May can help put in perspective what you’re proud of and what you’d like to work on in the future.


6. Pamper yourself

Whether you’re in close proximity to an actual spa or just your nearest CVS beauty aisle, take some time to beautify during this break. Do your nails and toenails, moisturize, and try a facial. The best at-home face mask I’ve ever tried is a simple combination of oats, egg whites, and honey that calms and purifies skin, as designed by Seventeen magazine. If you head out to a salon for the real deal, see if they have a special on mani-pedis and massages – sometimes you can score a bargain if you make an appointment for more than one service!


7. Catch up with friends

Be it a high school pal you haven’t Skyped in awhile or a college friend you’ve been to busy to see, pick up your cell and phone a friend. Spring break is probably the first time in awhile that you’ve had a spare moment, so take advantage of it. If you’re home, grab coffee with old friends; if you’re traveling, make new memories with your trip companions. You’ll be glad you did when you’re back in Gelman the following week.


Happy Spring Break, collegiettes!

Carly Buchanan is a member of the class of 2015 at the George Washington University, where she is a journalism and mass communication major at the School of Media and Public Affairs. In addition to writing for HerCampus, she is a communications intern, guest contributor for Green Connections Media, and member of the Phi Sigma Sigma sorority. She spent the Fall 2013 semester studying abroad in Madrid, Spain, and currently resides in Washington, D.C. Passionate about music, especially hits of the '90's, Carly also prides herself on her New England roots and mental catalog of rom-com knowledge.  You can find her on Twitter at @buchanan_carly.