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Winter Workout Tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

Nothing is better than being able to throw on your sneakers in 60 degree whether and take a carefree jog around the monuments. But as the temperature drops, so does our motivation to exercise.  Staying inside in catching up on The Bachelor sounds much more appealing than having to bundle up for a run or make the trek to HelWel. But keeping up the motivation in the upcoming cold months is the key to making new years fitness resolutions last, as well as easing the transition to spring. Spring break is approaching and the rush once again begins to get in shape before tropical getaways. Keeping the motivation to stay fit throughout the winter can make trying on your first bikini of the spring or summer a whole lot easier.

Here are 5 workout tips to keep your fitness resolutions in the Winter.


1. Commit to attending HelWel Group Fitness classes.

HelWel offers a variety of group fitness classes from yoga and Pilates to Zumba and spinning. Buying a fitness pass for HelWel is a great way to commit yourself to a workout routine and avoid repetition in that routine. Though it may seem like a big splurge at first, no one likes to waste money, so spending the money now will ensure your commitment throughout the semester. More information on HelWel’s group fitness programs can be found here.


2. Sign up for a race.

Websites like runwashington.com provide information for hundreds of running events in the DC area.  Signing up for a spring race, whether it be a 5k or a marathon is a great way to keep up the motivation. Commitment to an approaching race date will remind you to keep training. Check out this calendar to see what’s coming up: http://www.runwashington.com/race-calendar/


3. Workout without leaving your dorm

On days of freezing rain or snow, there may be no hope in getting to the gym, but all you need is a yoga mat to keep up your routine in your dorm. There are tons of  workout apps that provide ideas for effective exercises without any equipment.  The app “7 minutes” allows you to choose your fitness level, what equipment you have available, if any, and then configures a 7-minute workout that changes on a daily basis. Timers and instructional videos make these workouts quick and easy to follow.  The series of apps “Daily ab workout,” “daily arm workout,” “daily butt workout” and “daily leg workout” are other great options.


4. Commit with a friend

Designate weekly days and times with a close friend that you will commit to exercise. You’ll be more motivated to avoid flaking out on a commitment, and being with a friend always makes things more fun. Every time both of you keep the commitment, put a few dollars into a jar. When warm weather is in full swing, use the cash to treat yourselves to a happy hour or fancy dinner to celebrate the hard work.


5. Be prepared

Treat yourself to some winter workout gear so that you are prepared for the cold. Having a great zip up or fleece headband will make exercising in the cold much less painful, and you’ll be more willing to go for a jog if you have the gear to make it work.


Melissa Minton is a junior at the George Washington University from New Jersey. She is majoring in Journalism and Mass Communications in the School of Media and Public Affairs. Along with being the Campus Correspondant for HC GWU, Melissa is the Vice President of a community service sorority, Epsilon Sigma Alpha. She has interned at Elle Magazine and hopes to one day write for a top fashion magazine.