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Switching Up the Rain Gear.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

GW. Girls. Love. Hunter. Boots.
And if the spring rain isn’t tedious enough, seeing everyone in the same boots adds to that. Silver, Forest Green, Black, Navy, Pink, Light Pink, Blue. Enough. is. enough. 
I fully admit here, that I am just as guilty of this trend. Each time I wake up to a rainy DC sky, I pull out my forest green pair from the back of my closet. In addition to the general annoyance stirred within me at seeing every one of my classes littered in matching rubber, I have realized that these supposedly “functional” pieces of footwear are far from it. Not only do they make my feet too cold or too uncomfortable with the socks, they are also heavy and not exactly easy to walk in.
To put it simply: With spring on its way, I thought it time to switch up my basic rain footwear for the April showers that have started a little early this year. 

Here’s some ideas for all of you!

These are the ones I ended up getting. Yes they are Hunter, but they are so much less bulky then the basic ones. They also feature the cute rubber belt with the gold hardware, as well as a small wedge heel. 

Simple. Sleek. Feminine. Goes with everything.

Just a fun idea. Not really a rain boot, more like a rain shoe for the warm weather!

Photo Courtesy of Glamour