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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

With spring semester bearing down on us, it’s hard to imagine that in a few months, we’ll already be on summer vacation. For those of us who have just started our four years at GW, we still have ample time to check things off our college bucket list. However, for those of you who are soon to be graduating, it’s time to take time off your senior thesis and finally take advantage of all the great opportunities studying in the nation’s capital has to offer. This bucket list is comprised of both GW and non-GW things; try to complete every one of them!

1. Get dinner/coffee with a professor.

You want to create a relationship with your professor out of the classroom. He or she can be a great contact for you down the road, and you can learn a lot about him or her that you would never learn just from going to class.

2. Attend a protest in front of the White House

3. Museum hop all the museums on the National Mall

Most museums in D.C are free, and you will never have access to these amazing collections once you leave.

4. Take a spur of the moment trip

Whether it’s just across the river to Virginia, or a lengthier road trip to New York, college is all about being in the moment. No one’s stopping you!

5. Actually pull an all-nighter in Gelman

Your dark eye circles the next morning will be your bragging rights.

6. Attend a free performance at the Kennedy Center

7. Wake up at the crack of dawn to watch the sunrise at the Lincoln Memorial (Virginia side)

8. Go all the way to the top (literally!) in the Washington Monument

This will make for one hell of an Instagram!

9. Brunch your way through DC

Try and hit brunch spots in all the different areas; try everything from Cava Mezze (1 cent mimosas!) to Perry’s (drag queen brunch)

10. Graduate on the mall

Need I say anymore? #onlyatgw