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Saving on Spring Fashion- Where to Go?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

This is a time of year I always find awkward when it comes to fashion. Its not completely warm, or completely frigid. When it rains it pours, and when its sunny its gorgeous. I sometimes find it a bit aggressive to see girls in shorts and tanktops roaming around campus on the first few, chilly days of April. 
When it comes to finding these intermediate-not exactly summer/not exactly winter-pieces, one needs to be a little creative. Long sleeved casual dresses, cozy sweaters, white jeans, scarves, light jackets or blazers. These are the kind of things I find myself matching together for these days when its too hot for winter coats and too cold for our flimsiest sundresses. Here are some ideas to keep your transition into summer cute and hassle free.

1. a “Pac-a-Parka:” This cute, waist-defining red Topshop parka comes in a portable pouch. This is great for those days when you aren’t exactly sure whether or not it will rain. Throw this handy piece in your bag, no need to carry around a bulky raincoat all day. 

2. A Knit-Dress: A dress like this TopShop one makes total sense for the days of early spring. It knit style allows again for the hassle-free ability to walk class-to-class jacket free. In addition, its very versatile day to night.http://us.topshop.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?beginInde…

3. A Romper: A romper in and of itself is super easy to throw on before class, and excellent for layering with sweaters or jackets. Check out this super cute Forever 21 Romper.

Photo Courtesy: http://static.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/61552-bigthumbnail.jpg