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Russell Feldman ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.


Meet this week’s campus cutie, Russell Feldman! He’s sweet, funny, and easy to talk to. Don’t let this cutie intimidate you!


Name: Russell Feldman

Year: 2013

Major: Finance and Sports Management

Hometown: Scarsdale, NY

Campus Activities: Senator of the Business School, Academic Integrity Council, Student Judiciary Advisory, AEPI

Relationship Status: Single


Thing that catches your eye on a girl: Smile, eyes

Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes

Best place to pick up girls on campus: Monday morning at 10am yoga class

Favorite movie: Tie between Animal House and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

If you could have one superpower what would it be? Flying

Who is your celebrity crush? Keira Knightley

Favorite Disney Princess: Ariel with legs or Jasmine

Guilty pleasure: Strawberry pineapple smoothies

Something that you can’t live without: Chocolate

One person to be stranded on an island with: Bar Rafaeli because she looks great in a bikini

If you where a drink, what would you be and what type of glass would they serve you in? A single malt scotch served in a whiskey glass

What’s the most important part of a sandwich? The person you are eating it with

Something on your bucket list: Drink champagne at the monuments at sunrise 

Best piece of life advice you’ve ever gotten: Nothing can stand in the way of the will.