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Post-Thanksgiving Turkey Burn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

Although Thanksgiving is just one day, your “food-baby” belly may last well beyond the time it takes you to finish those leftover mashed potatoes. So if you feel like you have a little extra jiggle that’s starting to resemble the cranberry sauce you consumed just a few days ago, it may be time to start the Turkey Burn (aka burning off the extra weight you put on from a weekend long Thanksgiving celebration). So if you’re done stuffing yourself with turkey it’s time to put your fork down, grab your sneakers, and step away from the table! Here are some of my favorite toning exercises that will work your entire body. From your butt to your abs to your arms, try these exercises and that seemingly permanent bloat will soon dissipate- people will wonder if you even celebrated thanksgiving in the first place.  

1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees bent slightly, elbows close to sides, fists near chin. Pivot so toes and torso face right as you shuffle four steps in that direction, rapidly punching right hand out at shoulder height with each step (as shown) and back, making sure not to lock elbow. Repeat to left side. Alternate right to left for two minutes.

2. Step right foot forward into a lunge, knee over ankle, thigh parallel to floor, with left leg straight, heel lifted. Raise torso and reach behind back, interlace fingers and draw shoulder blades together (as shown). Hold for five breaths and then flow to next pose.

3. Get into push-up position on hands and toes, a disk under each toe. Keeping hips neutral and head in line with spine, slide left knee toward chest (as shown), then back to start. Switch legs to complete one rep. Start slowly at a walking pace, then progress to a run as you improve. Do 12 to 15 reps.

4. Sit with legs together, knees bent, a weight in each hand. Tilt torso back 45 degrees and lift feet. Hold tilt as you straighten arms forward at chest level, palms up. With elbows in place, curl arms toward head (as shown). Keep body still as you curl arms out and in. Do two sets of 10 reps with a light weight.

5. Lie face-up with legs straight along floor and pressed firmly together, arms extended overhead, ball between hands. Squeeze ball and contract abs as you slowly lift shoulders off floor, reaching arms toward feet and lifting legs to a 45-degree angle (as shown). Return to start. Do five reps.

             WORKS ABS, ARMS, BACK, LEGS

Source: Self Magazine http://www.self.com/fitness/workouts

Lauren Kardos is a senior at The George Washington University double majoring in International Affairs and Middle East Studies. She spent 8 months studying abroad in the Middle East perfecting her Arabic and adventuring around. She loves reading, discovering new music, and exploring new locales.