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Pamela Fitzgibbons ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

“George Washington University has a lot to offer someone like me who is interested in public health and performing arts. I thought that GW could provide a lot of experiences I could benefit from,” said Pamela Fitzgibbons, a native of Somers Point, New Jersey, and this week’s Campus Celebrity.

The sophomore has definitely taken advantage of the opportunities that have been made available to her while at GW thus far. She is the Communications Chair of Guthridge Hall, a volunteer with Metro TeenAIDS, and she is a sister and on the Risk Management Committee of Alpha Delta Pi.

“Being in a sorority definitely helped get me involved at GW very early in my freshman year. I got to network and meet other people involved in activities that I was also interested in and give me information about internships, jobs, and insight into all of the other experiences they had while at GW.”

Additionally, this year marks Fitzgibbons’ second year performing with GW Balance, GW’s premier ballet group. She will star as Clara in this year’s production of The Nutcracker.

“Dance is my biggest stress reliever. It’s something I look forward to every day. It’s an activity where you never stop working. You are always looking to improve.”

The dance and psychology minor also looks to dance as her primary form of exercise. Fitzgibbons, although currently undecided, is leaning toward a major in public health.

“I am most interested in preventative health measures and encouraging healthy lifestyle habits. A lot of life-threatening illnesses today are preventable and I have always believed that we should take steps to make healthy lifestyle choices now that can prevent those diseases down the road. There have been so many discoveries health-wise and we need to implement them and share them to prolong our lives.”

Fitzgibbons first became interested in health through some of her group fitness instructors. She also worked as a volunteer for cancer support in a hospital in her town and later became certified as a group fitness instructor herself. Fitzgibbons believes that the best way to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle is through an activity that you love.

 “You have to find a form of exercise that you like to do. You have to find what you like and can commit to and really enjoy. That’s the only way you’ll ever stick to it. Also, find the balance between your schoolwork and your social life, because both are essential to being happy and healthy. You have to find that equilibrium.”

Fitzgibbons plans on working within the government or at a non-profit after she graduates from GWU and aspires to maintain the healthy lifestyle she advocates for now.

 “If I am able to stay physically active until the end of my life and stay engaged in my relationships with family and friends, I would consider that to be the ultimate life accomplishment for me.”

Lauren Kardos is a senior at The George Washington University double majoring in International Affairs and Middle East Studies. She spent 8 months studying abroad in the Middle East perfecting her Arabic and adventuring around. She loves reading, discovering new music, and exploring new locales.