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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

I love social media.

I love Instagram, I love Snapchat, I (still) love Facebook, I love it all.

I love social media so much though that, lately, I have found myself becoming so enthralled with other’s peoples lives than I have been with my own. I have found myself spending so much of my (precious) time on examining other’s lives that I have lost valuable time in my own life! This is NOT OKAY!

I am a busy student with a lot of school work, a lot of commitments and not a lot of time. To try to fix my social media addiction, I challenged myself to go without it for five whole days.

When I told my friends, and even my family, about my challenge they all said I was crazy! Social media has become such an integral part of our daily lives even though so many of the networks are less than a decade old. In my opinion, this fascination and even dependency on social media has gotten way too out of hand.

I was excited to start my challenge and to see what it would be like to go through social media withdrawal for five whole days. The first day was great! I was super productive and felt like I had so much more time on my hands when I wasn’t getting sucked into my Facebook or Instagram. Unfortunately, I lost the challenge by the second day when one of my best friends from home posted a picture of me and I was dying to see what it was!

Social media has become such a big phenomenon that it is almost necessary to check it. I think the key to overcoming my addiction is control. With apps out there, like Self Control, you can block yourself from using certain websites, which really helps with productivity. Turning your phone off (while I know the thought of that sounds very scary) is also a very soothing feeling once it is actually off and helps productivity too. Make sure to not get lost in the whole social media game and to always make yourself your first and most important priority!