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Minimalist Living: How I’ve Made My 8’ x 10’ Dorm Room Functional

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

“This can’t be too bad,” I said to myself back in September when I moved into my bedroom in my sorority’s townhouse on campus. Little did I know, the width of the room would barely surpass my height. 

In a city like D.C., many people have learned to harvest a minimalist mindset. If you are new to this environment, as I am, here are some tips and tricks that I have discovered along the way!

Raise Your Bed 

With ceilings higher than the width of the room, having your bed up high maximizes space. Not only does it allow for storage under the bed, but it creates a more open flow of the room and makes it feel less cluttered. Also, by raising the bed, there is no need to buy a bedside table because the height of the bed can match the height of the dresser. Using the surface top of my dresser as a bedside table has is one of the most useful ideas I have had thus far.

picture of my dorm room for inspiration
Isabella MacLeod

Utilize Mirrors To Create An Illusion of Depth

Adding a mirror can make a room look twice as big. Especially if your room doesn’t have a lot of windows, it is a great idea to invest in a mirror or two to brighten up your space.

Only Keep What You Truly Love and Use

Clutter creates claustrophobia. Especially in a small space, it is important to maintain your belongings. Every few months I go through all of my clothes and things to make sure that they are being used or that I plan to use them in the future. If I haven’t touched something in months and I cannot imagine using it again, it’s time to donate or sell it. All of the clothes that sit in your closet and go unworn are taking up space as well as the old school books you will never use again-give them a new home!

picture of my dorm room
Isabella MacLeod

Wall Art

Choosing wall art and deciding how to arrange it will make all the difference. Whether you get hanging shelves to provide more storage or hang posters and pictures, where they go on the wall can change the space. In my own room, I arranged my wall art to follow a gallery style flow which has made my room feel more open.

Don’t Neglect The Floor

The game-changer in my room has been my carpet. Since switching to a circular carpet shape, my room has been transformed. Somehow, it has tied all the elements of the room together and made it feel more spacious.

picture of my dorm room for inspiration
Isabella MacLeod

Living in a small room has its downsides but it can also be cozy and functional. The way a space feels can be fully dependent on the most minor of details from the shape of a carpet to the alignment of a poster. 

Bella is a junior at GW majoring in Communications with a minor in both Marketing and Sustainability. Bella is passionate about health and wellness, fitness, cooking, traveling, and photography. Prior to living in Washington, DC, she is originally from London, England, Rowayton, Connecticut, and Newport, RI.