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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.
Name: Max Deem
Year: 2015 
Major: Music and Organizational Science
Hometown: Long Island, New York
Campus Activities: GW Hillel, Jazz Department, GW Men’s Rowing, The Grassroots Project
Relationship Status: Single

Celebrity Crush: Mila Kunis

Favorite Musical Act: Lake Street Dive

Favorite Movie: Finding Forrester

Ideal Date Spot: GW Deli

Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes all the way

Craziest Thing You’ve Done to Get a Girl’s Attention: Grabbed a girl’s coffee at Starbucks to stir up conversation

Secret Talent: I can do a really great Shakira impression.

If your sex life had a song title, what would it be? “We Can’t Stop” by Miley Cyrus or, on occasion, “Dancing With Myself” by Billy Idol.

Biggest turn-on: Blue eyes and a killer smile

Biggest turnoff: Farts and clinginess

Name one thing on your bucket list: To travel everywhere and anywhere

Best Advice You’ve Ever Gotten: Always do your best


Samantha is a sophomore at GWU in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences. She is majoring in Organizational Sciences and minoring in Jazz Studies. On campus, Samantha is the Mentorship Coordinator for the Black Women's Forum and can be found singing jazz in the practice rooms of Philips Hall. She is from Boston, Massachusetts, loves all things Olivia Pope, and is an avid Law and Order: SVU viewer. 
Melissa Minton is a junior at the George Washington University from New Jersey. She is majoring in Journalism and Mass Communications in the School of Media and Public Affairs. Along with being the Campus Correspondant for HC GWU, Melissa is the Vice President of a community service sorority, Epsilon Sigma Alpha. She has interned at Elle Magazine and hopes to one day write for a top fashion magazine.