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Matt Palmer ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

Name: Matt Palmer

Year: Junior

Major: Psychology, Business minor 

Hometown: Pelham, New York

Campus Activities: Rowing, College For Every Student, Grassroots

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Give me your best pick up line: Your eyes are arpeggios on fire.

Thing that catches your eye on a girl: Smile, laugh, confidence

Favorite places to go on the weekend: My bed

Best part about being in DC? I’m a big fan of the zoo

Three words that best describe you: Funny, Hardworking, Athletic

Blondes or brunettes? Blondes

Biggest “turn off?” Being mean

Biggest “turn on?” Confidence and sense of humor

Favorite movie, book and musical artist? Man on Fire, Alive, The Killers

If you could have one superpower what would it be? Stop time

Who is your celebrity crush? Kesha

What’s your guilty pleasure? Kesha

What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done? Dance off

What’s your secret weapon when flirting with a girl: My sense of humor

Something that you can’t live without: Pets

One person to be stranded on an island with: Tom Hanks because he was in Castaway, and he knows what he’s doing.

If your sex life were a movie, what would it be called? Clueless

If you were a food, what would you be? Pizza

What’s the most important part of a sandwich? The meat

If you where a drink, what would you be? Piña Colada

Fun fact: I’m bilingual.

Best piece of life advice you’ve ever gotten: If you don’t try, you’ll never know. If you don’t go after it, you’ll never get it. And if you don’t ask, you’ll never get it.