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How to Survive a Ticketmaster War (Tips From a Ticketmaster Veteran)

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

So your favorite artist is on tour and they’re coming to your city (yay!). But with the excitement of an upcoming concert comes the inevitable dread of buying tickets on Ticketmaster.

As the designated ticket-buyer of my friend group, I’ve learned a few tricks about Ticketmaster that makes the process of buying tickets more promising. My qualifications to write this article include: The Eras Tour tickets, SOUR tour tickets, Lana Del Rey tickets, and more.

My major is journalism, but buying tickets on Ticketmaster is my minor.  And sharing is caring, so here’s my list of tips to score tickets on the hellscape that is www.ticketmaster.com. 

Tip 1: Scope out the seating chart beforehand to pre-select your tickets

  • Time is precious when buying tickets, so I recommend deciding which tickets you want to buy before the sale by looking at the seating chart. During the sale, you won’t have to waste time deciding what view you want, and you can quickly add tickets to your cart. 

Tip 2: Add a credit card to your Ticketmaster account 

  • Ticketmaster typically holds tickets in checkout for 7-8 minutes. To check out as efficiently as possible, add your credit card to your Ticketmaster account so your tickets are secured ASAP. 

Tip 3: Log on at least 10 minutes before the scheduled ticket droptime

  • About 10 minutes before the ticket drop time, you’ll be placed into a waiting room. From the waiting room, you will enter the queue to purchase tickets. To ensure you are at the front of the queue, log on early and join the waiting room. 

Tip 4: Refresh, refresh, refresh!

  • This sounds sinful, I know. You’ve probably been told to never refresh, however, there is an exception! When transitioning from the waiting room to the queue, Ticketmaster says your page will automatically refresh. This is true, but it often takes more than 10 seconds, and 10 seconds is 10 years in Ticketmaster time. So, refresh your page to join the queue quicker, but do NOT refresh when you are already in the queue. 

Tip 5: Manifestation 

  • Ticketmaster is luck of the draw. So get out your crystals and incense and say a prayer to the Ticketmaster gods. Set your intentions before the sale and cross your fingers as you’re in the queue. 
Molly is a junior studying Journalism and Mass Communication at The George Washington University. She likes to write about beauty, pop culture and entertainment. She also hosts a weekly radio show on WRGW!