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How to Glow Like a Krispy Kreme Donut

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

Hailey Bieber said it best. In her nighttime skincare routine, she shared that, “If I’m not getting into bed looking like a glazed donut, then I am not doing the right thing.” With her ultra dewy look, Hailey locked down America’s childhood sweetheart. Who wouldn’t want to capture her natural glow?

“If I’m not getting into bed looking like a glazed donut, then I am not doing the right thing.”

Hailey Bieber

Skincare has always been a huge part of my life. I blew all of my Bat Mitzvah money at Sephora curating the perfect seven-step routine at twelve years old. While I was the first to test out that new, hot product, the lack of consistency in my bedtime routine caused cystic breakouts. To deal with this acne, I continued to pile on more products that claimed to be making the breakouts go away.

When I got to college, my acne was raging despite the endowment I invested in my skincare. I always thought that my personal product research was beyond the knowledge of the dermatologist, however, I was so fed up with my problematic skin that I decided to make an appointment. At the appointment, the doctor asked me to describe my everyday routine and after I had listed the first three steps she interrupted me, “You are doing way too much. Less is so much more when it comes to skincare.” Now as someone who has religiously followed every beauty trend since I was ten this was certainly news to me. Less is more? Now how is that supposed to make any sense? My doctor explained to me that the key to healthy skin is to keep it simple. When I finished explaining my routine, she shared with me that most of the products I was using were ineffective and may even be causing irritation that led to the breakouts.

With her help, I shoved my skincare collection into the bottom drawer of my vanity and focused on finding the perfect products. As someone with acne-prone, combination skin, the recipe for a perfect complexion consists of a gentle cleanser mixed with a light exfoliant, eye cream, and a hydrating moisturizer. In the morning, I use a spot treatment and hyaluronic acid and at night, I put on a pea-sized amount of the holy grail, retinol (scroll to the bottom to shop my routine). While it took a few months to see results, my skin transformed. Instead of the uneven bumpy texture I once struggled with, my skin is now smooth and clear. I am constantly getting compliments on my complexion and since it has been such a rocky journey for me people noticing the difference means the world to me. 

So if you want to glow like a box of Krispy Kreme,it turns out the secret that the skincare market hides from you is to stop buying so many products. Find what works for you and cut everything else out. And with that smooth as a baby’s butt, glazed donut skin, you might be able to outshine Hailey in Justin’s eyes. 


Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Daily Face Wash: https://www.neutrogena.com/products/skincare/ultra-gentle-daily-cleanser/6887295.html

Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant: https://www.dermalogica.com

The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid: https://www.sephora.com/product/the-ordinary-deciem-hyaluronic-acid-2-b5-P427419?&om_mmc=ppc-GG_1674279987_66663249242_kwd-458372473884__324324851512_9061285_c&country_switch=us&lang=en&ds_rl=1261438&gclid=CjwKCAjw7–KBhAMEiwAxfpkWNKALX5L7vTlCZNGevRKfo5k96j-KXqzmtRumqyTPk7kyflkfsweIxoC8pYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Ole Henriksen Banana Bright Eye Cream: https://www.sephora.com/product/banana-bright-eye-creme-P426339?skuId=2018984

Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion+: https://www.sephora.com/product/dramatically-different-moisturizing-lotion-P381030

My spot treatment and renting are both prescribed by my dermatologist but there are some great ones on the market!

Kate is a junior at The George Washington University studying Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Kate adores mindless walks through the city, seeing artwork up-close, listening to stories, and eating confetti flavored cake.