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The End of the Beginning: A Freshman Year Wrap-Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

With less than a month left of freshman year, it seems fitting to look back on the past two semesters. It’s crazy to think that just eight months ago I was moving into Thurston, crying my eyes out saying bye to my parents, making my first friends in my hall, struggling the first few weeks on my own, and then eventually going through sorority recruitment and a million other adventures. Looking back, many of the troubles I experienced at the start seem pretty silly now. There is a long list of things I’m glad I did freshman year and a few things I’d like to accomplish before the semester comes to a close. So, here’s some advice I’ve compiled looking back at my year.

First off, I couldn’t be happier that I went through recruitment and joined an amazing sorority. I had a very hard time finding my place when I started at GW and don’t know where I would be had I not rushed. Though completely overwhelming and exhausting, the process was 10000% worth it and I would recommend it to just about every single freshman girl coming here to GW.

Secondly, I wish someone had told me how important it is to take advantage of your free time and space. Growing up with my own room it was definitely a crazy adjustment to live in a cramped quad with 3 other girls who were complete strangers to me at the start. It’s important not to take your space for granted and I know now to literally appreciate every minute I had alone in my room just for some peace and quiet to myself. Also, I’ve been a procrastinator all my life and wish I knew to take advantage of those hours in between classes and on the weekends that way I would’ve maybe had a few less all-nighters in Gelman shaking from Starbucks double shots at 4 in the morning.

Next, pay attention to not only what classes you are taking, but who teaches them. Having good teachers makes an enormous difference in classes. There are certain classes I took this year that were mind-numbingly boring and others that were new topics to me but completely enjoyable just based upon having a really interesting professor. It’s also way easier to do well in a class if you are actually engaged and interested. Also, point of fact, try not to sign up for Friday classes, especially ones before noon. You may or may not be judged for going to sleep early on a Thursday night instead of going out.

Lastly, explore DC and don’t take this amazing city for granted. Everyone will give you this piece of advice but understandably, it’s definitely a little bit scary to step out of the Foggy Bottom bubble. I didn’t truly start doing this until the middle of second semester but I’m so glad I did. Whether it was a different restaurant for dinner instead of the usual Whole Foods/Sweetgreen/whatever, a fun night in Adam’s Morgan, or even the walk that feels like a marathon to the April cherry blossoms, these things are worth it. After just a few weeks in this city it became really nonchalant to pass the White House or monument on the way to class but remember that this stuff is really underrated. The other night I decided to order in Chinese food and watch Ted and then Ferris Bueller’s Day Off instead of going out and one of Bueller’s best lines is completely relevant to freshman year and in general: “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Agreed Ferris.