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Corinne Falotico ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

Corinne Falotico ‘15

What year are you at GW?
Where are you from?
Wrentham, Massachusetts
What attracted you to GW and why did you ultimately decide to come to GW?
D.C! I was mesmerized –and still am! –by all of the internship opportunities in the city. It’s my dream to work on Capitol Hill someday.
What are your major(s)/minor(s) at GW?
I’ve declared a theatre major, and I plan on applying for a second major in political communications next fall.
What organizations are you involved in at GW?
I’m a freshman representative for GW NOW/FMLA (National Organization for Women/ Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance), and I’ve been in two productions with Forbidden Planet Productions and one production with Generic Theatre Company this semester.
What made you decide to direct The Vagina Monologues?
I’m very passionate about feminist issues and women’s rights. I feel that directing this production will inspire people at GW to get involved in the cause whom wouldn’t normally get involved.
For those that are unfamiliar with The Vagina Monologues, can you describe the show for them?
The Vagina Monologues is a collection of monologues written by Eve Ensler based on the true stories of women she interviewed. All of the monologues center on the themes of female empowerment and women’s rights, with stories ranging from body positivity and sexuality to more serious themes of human trafficking and rape.
You have already performed in Rocky Horror Picture Show and the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. How were those experiences as a freshman?
When I auditioned for Rocky, I was soooo nervous. I wanted more than anything to be in the production. I was astounded when the cast list came up because I never thought they would cast a freshman as a lead. I went into the Spelling Bee auditions with the same nerves –those will never change! –and once again was astounded when I was cast. It has been such a pleasure to work with Forbidden Planet Productions this semester. Through FPP, I have improved my skills both in acting and tech, as well as made lifelong friendships. I plan to be an FPPerson for life!
Do you plan to continue doing theater at GW?
Of course! I really want to be on the board of Forbidden Planet Productions some day.
What has been your favorite role that you have ever done thus far? Probably Columbia in Rocky Horror because performing in Rocky is unlike any other theatre experience. Since the film was projected behind us, I had to mimic Little Nell’s every action and lip-sync her lines. The singing and tapping were all me though!
What do you aspire to do after graduating from GW?
I would love to work on Capitol Hill, either as a campaign worker or speech writer. Working on Broadway would also be a dream!
What is your greatest life goal?
I want to be happy and passionate in whatever I decide to do with my life. My two prospective majors represent my two biggest passions. Whether I end up working on Capitol Hill, Broadway, or somewhere completely different, I want to look forward to going to work every day.

Nicole Robert is a senior from North Salem, New York. She transferred from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and this is her third year at The George Washington University. She studies International Affairs with a concentration in Global Public Health, and minors in Public Health. A sister of Delta Gamma, Nicole loves to participate in many community service opportunities. She also interns at Washington Life Magazine and works as a hostess at a local restaurant. When Nicole is not studying or working, she is writing blog posts for The Avant Guide, an up and coming fashion company. She credits Pandora and her personal Tumblr for motivation and a creative outlet.