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Closing Time: Another Semester Gone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

So the semester is finally at its end. That Starbucks-fueled week of finals is upon us, complete with weary days and long nights of studying. Gelman is packed with people putting the finishing touches on their theses, the abandoned classrooms in Duques have been taken over as study space, and even the window tables in J Street are all taken, laptops and notebooks strewn everywhere.

On top of all of the schoolwork, the end of the semester also brings a rush to organize: to pack, to clean, and to plan. Flights are booked, check-outs scheduled, and calendar dates circled as people finalize the details of their departures. There is GWorld to budget (because no one wants to spend finals week eating Easy Mac), College Boxes to order (and wait ages for), and books to sell back to the bookstore (for spare change).

It is so easy to get caught up in this end of the year frenzy. But here’s the thing: the year is actually ending. For most of us, that means at least three months away from GW, from this beautiful city, our college family, and our home away from home. It’s true, summer brings rest and relaxation; but it will come in due time. You may be counting down until your finals are over, but try to enjoy the days leading up to then, because all too soon, they will have passed – and soon enough, you’ll be gone.

You will remember the food trucks parked and waiting for you to grab lunch, and even the delicious smells greeting you as you crossed the street. You will think about Kogan, just around the corner and all lit up at night, the fountain glowing and the air warm. You will recall venturing onto the roof of Munson, or E Street, and being close enough to the stars that you could almost touch them.

There will be no more mile-long line at Gelbucks or the lingering and overpowering smell of cigarette smoke at the entrance; there will not be the Vern express, ready and waiting outside of Funger. There won’t be late-night Ivory runs for delectably fried food, or adventures to Crepeaway for that Nutella-y goodness. Georgetown won’t be just around the corner, complete with Cusp and cupcakes, and Dupont will be distant, too, with its exotic restaurants and quirky bars.The monuments will no longer be mere blocks away, within jogging distance. You won’t be able to watch the sunrise with Abe, or dip your feet in the pool at the World War II Memorial. There won’t be any more picnics on the mall as the sun slips below the horizon and evening settles in and cools all around you. You especially won’t be constantly surrounded by tourists from around the world, all gathered in this one spot, for this one vacation, to take in the sights that you get to see each and every day.

I think the fact that I am leaving to study abroad in the fall has made me realize how lucky I am to be here. I know that when I move out in ten short days, I will not be back until January, and it is unsettling. It’s not that I do not want to go abroad, because I feel as if I have been waiting all of my life to go. It’s just that change can be scary. But someone recently reminded me that it can be good, too; and that not wanting to leave is living proof of how happy you are right where you are.

So yes, the semester may be ending. And you may be ready to leave. But the truth is, it’s never too late to remind yourself of why you came here in the first place.


Carly Buchanan is a member of the class of 2015 at the George Washington University, where she is a journalism and mass communication major at the School of Media and Public Affairs. In addition to writing for HerCampus, she is a communications intern, guest contributor for Green Connections Media, and member of the Phi Sigma Sigma sorority. She spent the Fall 2013 semester studying abroad in Madrid, Spain, and currently resides in Washington, D.C. Passionate about music, especially hits of the '90's, Carly also prides herself on her New England roots and mental catalog of rom-com knowledge.  You can find her on Twitter at @buchanan_carly.