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The Beginning of the End of AIDS Conference

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

We all go to school in the heart of the nation’s capitol, with the White House just three blocks from campus. Many students forget this awesome fact as papers and finals start to pile up. This week, GW had the amazing opportunity to host the Beginning of the End of AIDS conference, with President Obama, Alicia Keys, and Bono all arriving on campus. A few select students were invited to watch these important people address the nation in person, although the program was available live via Youtube broadcast.

Presidents Obama, Clinton, Bush and multiple celebrities spoke about the importance of looking towards a future without HIV/AIDS, in collaboration with ONE, an organization based in Washington, DC. This is just one of many high profile events that has been hosted on campus. Aren’t you glad you go to GW?!

Nicole Robert is a senior from North Salem, New York. She transferred from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and this is her third year at The George Washington University. She studies International Affairs with a concentration in Global Public Health, and minors in Public Health. A sister of Delta Gamma, Nicole loves to participate in many community service opportunities. She also interns at Washington Life Magazine and works as a hostess at a local restaurant. When Nicole is not studying or working, she is writing blog posts for The Avant Guide, an up and coming fashion company. She credits Pandora and her personal Tumblr for motivation and a creative outlet.