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5 Ways to Start Your Semester on the Right Foot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

Going back to school doesn’t have to be a drag! Gelbucks is revamped, Bertucci’s still has their summer menu, and you’ve got a whole new set of professors and peers who are bound to be smitten by you and your brain. Here are some tips to help you get psyched and get started:

Look ahead. Get that iCal going, find a reusable wall calendar or carry a day planner with you. Map out all the dates you already know are significant—meetings, labs, coffee dates, tests, anything!—so that you don’t forget about it later. Do it while you have time, so the next time someone asks you what you’re doing next Wednesday, you’ll know. (Find some cute, cheap planners like this and it’s Prime eligible so you’ll get it fast!)

Get colorful. I am a BIG fan of color-coding, and either I have a lot of like-minded friends or the gospel of color is dispersing outward. Highlighters, pens, Sharpies, notebooks… you name it! I love it because it helps me keep things straight, while also making my scholastic world a little prettier to see.

Set goals. Find at least three personal, academic and/or social goals you have this semester, and hang them up in your room. It will help you remember what you’re working toward and what’s in your reach.

Pinterest. Before classes get crazy, take a gander around your new favorite social media vortex and find the inspirational quote that most speaks to you. Print it. Hang it by your desk. Remind yourself to work hard and be awesome. [http://www.pinterest.com/pin/179721841355084252/]

Go to class. Whether you’ve taken the professor before or you’re just crossing your fingers based on RateMyProfessor, you can handle it. Clear your head, breathe in that tangible DC humidity and march onward to conquer your new year.

Use whatever resources you can to get yourself excited about the new year! Stalk the rosters, read ahead, buy a new lip gloss, whatever you’re feeling! Just get the sleep while you can, grab your skim milk latte, and get ready for another great year.