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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

A poem dedicated to my long distance lover. No matter how many miles apart, you’ll always be my home.

Everyone wants someone to miss,

But no one talks about how much it hurts to miss someone. 

2,429 miles and 33 hour drive apart. 

I miss you. 

Every bone in my body aches

When we’re apart. 

Gravity pulling me 

In the direction of home. 

This magnetic love is 

Destroying me. 

Every day we’re apart I 

Am more certain of how 

I no longer want to be 

Without you. 

Faith is double majoring in political science and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies. She's passionate about helping girls, especially young women of color, find a voice and get the rights that they deserve. She hopes to one day to be in Congress, or a first-grade teacher, or even be the founder of a nonprofit. Whether she decides to be all or none of those, in the end, she will change the world and contribute to giving girls access to free health care, education,​ and shelters.