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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gustavus chapter.

It’s a way I can forget. It’s a way to build a world of my own. It’s a way to put my feelings into words. It’s writing, and the art of crafting words into temples has always been my salvation.

Ever since I learned to read, I have been writing stories. Millions of words, thousands of sentences, and hundreds of short tales have gone through my head. It’s always been my favorite thing to do, and the best part of who I am.

Most of the time, I’m writing fictional stories to share with my close friends (and maybe one day, publish as a novel). However, writing articles or essays is just as good for me. Even writing papers for my classes has a way of making me feel better: even if the material is not that exciting, the words I am typing are still my own. I have control over what they say and mean, and for that I am thankful.

I think the best part about writing is that you can pour your heart out on paper‒-something concrete and tangible‒-and get it off your chest. Also, you can share it all over or keep it only for yourself. And if you do want to share it, but don’t want people to know it’s you, you always have to option to publish it anonymously or under a pen name. There are so many options of what to do with your writing, and it’s a liberating decision to make.

For me, writing will always make me feel better, so I am always encouraging other people to give it a try. Write a diary entry, a Her Campus article, or make up your own story. Even if you feel you “aren’t that good,” writing a little everyday is a really great practice and you can only ever get better at it.

I know I am overly enthusiastic about the powers of writing, but I truly believe that words have transformed my entire life for the better. Without writing, I have no idea who I’d be.

Marie Osuna

Gustavus '21

Always drinking coffee and writing.