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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gustavus chapter.

Life is much too short not to love yourself. Be it your smile, your compassion, or your super trendy fashion sense, everyone has qualities that they should admire about themselves! Today, the Her Campus Gustavus team encourages you to join us in thinking about one thing that you love about who you are!

Rachel Hahn, Freshman

I love that I have a very motherly, caring soul.

Sarah Wright, Senior

I love that I am confident and sure of who I am as a person.

Kristi Manning, Sophomore

I love my eyes. They are green for the most part, but in the middle they are brown. I think they are really pretty, and when I smile they light up. I also love my long eyelashes. I think they make my eyes look that much more beautiful.

Another thing I love about myself is my caring personality. I always want the best for my friends, and I love being a caring and loyal person that they can trust.

Yesenia Hidalgo, Sophomore

Something I love about myself is that I don’t mind trying new things and I’m spontaneous in taking risks. I’m trying to find ways to make my life a little bit more interesting.

Katie Allen, Junior

I love how independent and determined I am, I think I got that from my mom. She taught me when I was growing up to never give up on my goals. She always made me feel capable and strong.

Shailagh Lannon, Junior

I really appreciate my ability to forgive. Forgiveness is harder than holding grudges sometimes but, in the end, I would rather have a life filled with love than a life polluted with hate.

Frances Wetherall, Freshman

My courage.

Miranda Shaffer, Sophomore

I think my favorite thing about myself is my creativity. I enjoy painting and writing. It’s a good time.

Kjersten Piper, Junior

I love how passionate I am. I always commit to things whole-heartedly, whether it be my schoolwork, my relationships, or even the newest book I’m reading that I can’t seem to put down. I love the positive attitude that I can bring to the table and the dedication that accompanies it.

Brenna Tuttrup, Sophomore

I love that I am a complete dork, and I love that I am not ashamed to let my true colors fly. Life is always more exciting when you learn to let go and laugh at yourself from time to time.

What do you love about yourself, Gusties? Leave us a comment below and tell us! HCXO

Brenna Tuttrup is a sophomore at Gustavus Adolphus College and is pursuing a major in English. At Gustavus, she is involved in the Gustavus Wind Symphony, is a co-president of the Gustavus Freethinkers, and is a writer and secretary in the Her Campus: Gustavus branch. She enjoys eating, drawing, cats, and more cats. Talents include: staying up until 3 am playing computer games, talking way too loud, and unnecessary dabbing.